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Our First Weight Pulling Competition! (sorry A Little Bragging Her


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Yay! Zach and I had our first weight pulling competition today at KCC Park with the Alaskan Malamute Club of Victoria :( I was so nervous that Zach wouldn't be able to pull the empty cart - but he managed to pull up to 370kg which is 15.81 times his body weight! We came second in our weight class (under 36kg) and we won "Best Pull of the Day" :rofl: My boyfriend took some photos for me:

Zach in his new weight pull harness!


Go Zachy!


Ribbons :rofl:


Uhh should we trust them to drive? Zach and Kapo in the car after a hard days work!


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Congratulations! :rolleyes: He look so happy. You must have put a lot of hard work into training and conditioning.

I'd love to try weightpull, unfortunately my SBT's conformation isn't good enough - maybe with the next dog eh.

Thank you guys! ;) I think it was mostly his "Don't leave me mummy, you're so far away!" Staffy mentality ;) He always had a little trouble getting started, but once he got that cart moving he just powered right into my arms ;) The bloody sook! :rofl: I'm lucky Zach is quite a big staffy and he has such a big strong chest :laugh: We're hoping to start weight pull with Kapo down the track too when shes old enough. It was cool to see other breeds participating - there was a Ridgeback, an American Bull Dog and a Blue Heeler competiting as well!

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Wow, I've never seen a dog doing weight pulling before!

You've got a big strong boy, well done Zach!!

I have a video here on

:o This is his -first- pull of the day and so his technique isn't the best. He keeps jumping forward into the harness and its not working so well :o I was a bit concerned about that however for his next turns he would sit and bark at me for a few seconds until he finally put his head down and did some really nice pulls :) Less jumping around, and just some straight out nice and slow pulls :) I wish I had some videos of them but our camera was running out of batteries so we only got photos.


Oh yes, if anyones interested in going to see the weight pulling - the next one is in October on the 21st of October, from 10am, at KCC Park :rofl:

Edited by Kowai
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Does anyone know of any weight pulling in Qld? I'd love to go see it in action! I'd been meaning to get into sledding this season, but was too involved in the cat showing so had no money. Maybe I could get my Boxer Rocky's muscles back in action and have a go at weight pulling? He's already tried Obedience, Agility, Endurance, & Lure Coursing - he loved all except the boring obedience LOL! Would love to try out herding, just to prove a point (Boxer's can do anything!), but don't think the big guns would let a Boxer enter. :laugh: :laugh: :eek:


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