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The Origin Of Obedience


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Does anyone know a good website that goes into detail about the origins of obedience trialling? I am writing an article on obedience trialling for our breed club's newsletter and although I can find lots of information on the trials themselves, the titles gained etc. I really wanted to go more in depth with how they originally came about.

Any help would be greatly apprecatied. :laugh:

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These are the RAS Kennel Club Special Rules for the conduct of Obedience Trials Ist January 1960.

Tests for Novice class

1. To heel on lead                  20 points

2. To heel free, stand stay      35  "

3. To come when called           15  "

4. To sit for one minute           15  "

5. To lie down for 3 minutes     15  "

            Maximum score        100 "

Qualifying score 85 points

Tests for Open class

1. To heel on lead                                25 points

2. To heel free, stand stay                    40  "

3. Drop on Recall                                 25  "

4. To retrieve dumbell on the flat            30  "

5. To retrieve dumbell over obstacle       40  "

6. To make a long jump                        25  "

7.  Long sit 3 minutes out of sight         35  "

8.  Long down 5 minutes out of sight     30  "

                                     Max Total      250 "

Qualifying score 220 points

Tests for Utility class

1. To seek back lost articles                          35 points

2. To speak on command                              40 points     

3. To stand for examination                            20   "    

4. To exercise sent discrimination                  40   "

5. To execute hurdle and bar jump                 35    "           

6. Long down 10 minutes,handler out of sight 30  "   

                                         Max Total score  200   "

Qualifying score 180 points

Hurdle and bar jump, In this exercise, the dog shall walk heel free carrying the dumbell and coming to a stop at a position  in front of the hurdle. The handler shall leave the dog and take up a position at one side between jumps , which are to be spaced at 25 feet apart.On the order of the judge, the handler shall send the dog over both obstacles (a command can be given before each jump). Dog to return to the sit position infront of handler, who takes the dumbell prior to completing exercise and finish at heel. Both obstacles to be jumped clear.

Wording of the above parragrath exactly as in the book.

I also have a copy somewhere that I got off a forum of the history of obedience in NSW from Top Dog Annual. I will see if I can find.

Edited by Janba
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