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Very Small Puppy Wont Eat

Kaos Central

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Hi all, today we had a rescue passed onto us from our vet, she is a JRT and she weighs around 400 grams, the vet places her age somewhere about the 4 week mark. She has had a really tough day, when the vet got her she was infested with fleas, the vets surgery has given her a flea bath and treated her with advance, she has very little fur left and no visable fleas. the biggest problem i have is she doesn't want to eat, we have offered milk replacement in a bottle, puppy porriage, royal canin puppy that has been soaked in hot water and she is not interested. At the moment she is asleep in a box by me feet but if any one else has come up against this i would love to know how you dealt with it.

thank you

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She has had a very hard day.....a few drops of rescue remedy, a sleep, and then maybe she will feel like it?

Have you tried something smelly, like a sardine or something?Just to get her interest... a few drops of milk in her mouth ....

If she's not dehydrated.....I think I would just let her sleep for a while...poor baby.

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Maybe try a little bit of yoghurt?

Is she drinking?

I wouldn't stress too much today - but if she still isn't eating by tomorrow, I'd be taking her back to the vet.

I agree with Persephone, she'll probably feel much better tomorrow.

My pup hardly ate anything her first few days with us after being flown in from NZ.

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Good news... she slept all afternoon and all night but she is like a four pawed eating machine this morning. She has had a bowl of puppy milk, a bowl of porriage and some dry food soaked in hot water. She also went after one of our older dogs breakfast. We are trying to watch what she eats so if she gets an upset tummy we have some idea what it was. she is a very active little dog, when we got up around 6 am she was bouncing around and wagging her little tail, she is asleep again now.

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