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I Dont Know What To Do, So Worried!


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Hi Guys,

This morning I saw there is a long, kindda white colour worm in one of my dog's stool. I have two so I just cant tell which one is it. But I think it's Ben because he is nearly 8 weeks old and I got him on Sunday. My other dog is nearly six months old, I have never seen worm in her stool.

Should I deworm both of the dogs? What kind of deworm should I use? How do I deworm them to make sure they will get rid of the worms (YEWWWW!!!!) ?

When I got Ben the younger one, he has been to the VET for his first vaccination. I also saw 3 ticks for the distemper, hepatitis and parvovirus (what is this btw?) He has not been heartwormed yet but I will do it very soon.

I would really appreciate any help from you guys.

Thank you for reading.

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make an appointment with your vet again, and the vet will weigh both pups, and give you worming tablets for them both.You are probably correct in thinking it is the younger pup..possibly a roundworm, which most puppies have .

The pups will need to be de-wormed regularly.

It is an idea too to pick up droppings and dispose of, and keep fleas off the pups :)

Were you asking about parvovirus?

Parvo is a very small virus which causes severe diarrhoea/vomiting in dogs. It is a killer, especially in young puppies.

have a look here, or do a search on DOL.



Edited by persephone
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The 2nd night we had Gypsy I found worms in her poo too, We had taken her to the vet and had her vaccinated and wormed that day. I rang the 24hr vet and a nurse told me she was passing the worms because her body was rejecting them due to the worming tablet and as long as we keep up worming her every 2 weeks she'll be fine.

We haven't had a problem since.

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Hi guys,

Tks for the quick responds. My pup has been vaccinated so should I use the worming tablet that I normally use for my other pup? Or I will have to take Ben to the VET?

@Persephone: Jezz... that virus looks scary. I mean.. I keep my pup safe inside all the time except for going for a walk or playtime in the garden which is clean, small. So u think would it be okie?

@StaceyB: Yeh, when I found the worm in Ben's poo, I though it was a rubber band that Ben accidentally ate but then I knew it was a worm. It scared me a bit. Could u give me the 24h VET? I live in melbourne. I think that would come handy someday. Tks ^^

Edited by no_fear5100
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Hi No Fear,

I'm in Perth, but the vets are good to answer any late night questions. The number is 1300 652 494, it's Murdoch Pet emergency Centre run through Mudoch University (don't worry, all the staff are fully qualified).

The worming tablets are weight based so as long as you know how much the dog weighs and have the approriate tablets it should be fine to give the pup the same tablets as the other dog, but probably just call your vet and double check first. I'm surprised they didn't give you anything when you got his vaccinations done...

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I actually did not get Ben's vaccination done. I got Ben from a couple in Yarra Ville. They are not breeder. They just have a litter and advertise selling them on gumtree website. They gave me Ben's vaccination record. He had his C3, distempered, Hepatitis and parovirus done. My other dog is Lucky, she is about 3.6 kg which is slightly heavier than Ben. She is talking 1/4 of the tablet so I think it should be alright to give Ben the same amount, rite? Besides, do u think I should worm Lucky right away as well just in case or she will be alright until her next worming due which is in the 22nd of this month?

ah, there is one more thing. I was in a pet shop near Queen vic market in the other day to look for avocate (heart worming medicine). My pup is under 4kg but one of the seller told me that I could use the one which is for dogs from 4 - 10kg. "It's better to overdose" It's what she said. Is this right? And I have heard of the heart worming which would last for 3 months, do u guys know where to get it?

@StaceyB: Tks for your help. I stored this emergency number in my phone ^^

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Hmmm. Don't know if I'd be taking advice from the pet shop. Don't believe everything on the internet, either :(.

Use the right tablet for weight, though you could buy the larger tablet and cut in half while he's a lower weight. I don't know about any that lasts 3 months. I only know of monthly tablets and yearly injection.

Worm every 2 weeks. Drontal from the vet or link below.

We're also in tick season. Do you have them in your area? If so, use either Frontline Plus, Advantix or check out if a Preventic tick collar is OK for pups (cheapest option).

Cheapest stockist I've found is pricelesspets.com.au

Edited by Poodle wrangler
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I wouldn't be taking advice from Pet shops either - staff in there are sales people, not vet nurses or vets.

If in doubt, call your local vet, they won't mind you hassling them for info - they will probably apprciate that you have called looking for the correct info.

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At the moment, I am using the Topitran worming pill for my pups. It controls Round worm, whip worm, hook worm and tape worm. A pack contains 4 tablets. Every time I give 1/2 of a tablet per pup (2.6kg - 5kg).

For Lucky, she has been taking 1/2 of a tablet a month for 3 months. After that, she will be taking 1/2 of a tablet every 3 months. That's what the person at pet paradise advised me when I got Lucky. Do u guys think it's the best? Is there any other better alternative? I realized after buying Lucky that they aint the best but I did not know where to ask until now. Please give me some advices!!!!

@Poodle wrangler: I am not sure if there is any fleas in my area. I live in abbotsford in Melbourne btw. How do u do if there is any? I will buy some flea collars for my pups. Tks for your warning ^^

Tks a lot for your responds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^

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No Fear5100 you need to take your dog to the vets for advice and a general check up.

Don't waste your money on flea collars, they don't work and many dog are allergic to them. Fleas are everywhere, including Abbotsford.

A product such as Sentinel Spectrum is effective against all worms, heartworm and is a flea contraceptive so fleas can't breed.

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Hi guys,

Thank you so much for all the great advises from all of you!!!!!!!!!

Since I have given Ben the worming pill, I will take him to the VET next monday for a general check, getting microchipped. Also I found out that a heart worm shot would last a year costs only $81 and according to the VET, it's better than the monthly dose so I am thinking of going to get both of my pup this shot too. But I still would like some advice from you guys if I should do that or not.

Hope to hear you guys' valuable advice :rofl:

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You will find some people are for and against the heartworm injection.

I personally have just stopped giving my dog the injection and have gone back to using the monthly tablets.

Do a search on this forum for heartworm injection and have a read and you can decide what you think is best.

Edited by wagsalot
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Hi No fear,

Like most say, i'd be taking pup to the vet and asking all these questions. Don't bother with the pet shop

I asked about the heartworm shots as my older dog is on them and my vet says you can't do it until they are 9 months of age. chevs on the shots and i like it. Nero will be on them as soon as he is old enough.

With both my dogs they didn't leave the house or yard until after their last C5 shot.

I use frontline on my dogs and it works well. Ticks used to be a big problem where i used to live and it was good for that but we didn't get paralysis ticks. Apparently ticks aren't as much a problem down here but fleas are so i still frontline them.

I was buying through vet products direct but that priceless pets is cheaper!!! Thanks poodle wrangler!! ;)

hope it helps

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