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Pup Barking While I Prepare His Dinner


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Hi again :cry:

Lately my pup barks everytime I am getting his dinner. The bowl is up on the bench (removed after previous mealtime) and I go to put his food in and he starts barking. I'm sure its just a "hurry up thats my dinner" bark but I'm not a fan...

When he barks I ignore him until he is calm, take the food off the bench and walk to his dinner spot and then make him sit before I put the food down. BUT despite doing this everyday he hasn't stopped barking while I'm preparing the food.

Does anyone know what he's up to? And also how to stop it? Is it just persistance?

I tried getting OH to distract him while I prepare the food to stop the kerfuffle but despite being 2 rooms away he knew what I was doing and came scampering into the room barking loudly...any ideas would be much appreciated ;)

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Sorry, I shouldn't laugh but I can't help it :laugh:

It sounds to me like that's exactly what he's doing - telling you to hurry up. But I could be wrong!!

How long has he been doing the barking for and how long have you been waiting for him to be calm before feeding him? Maybe the waiting until he's calm thing needs to go on for a little while until he learns the association between calm=being fed.

My little one knows as soon as I put her food in the microwave that it's nearly time for food. She sits and stares at the microwave waiting - the entire time it's defrosting! lol. She doesn't bark though...

Sorry I can't be of much help, others will be though I'm sure :-)

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Try preparing his meal at different times during the day, with him barking, then put it away for later on when it is actually meal time.

That way he is not getting what he wants by barking and it might break the habit of him telling you to hurry up, as he wont get it his meal then and there anyway. Apart from that I'm not sure what other advise to give you.

As Dogfish said, I just tell mine to shutup and they do :)

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Ben used to do the same thing to me!! The best thing i found, was to prepare his food inside (while he was outside) and then i took his food out, and made him sit before i set his food down.

I don't even have to ask him to sit any more!! ;) The key to this sort of thing is persistence..


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:) Thanks guys ;)

Rhi & Jak...It may be a microwave thing, I zap pups mince and rice for 10s to take the chill from the fridge off it and then mix it in with his dry food. Although, I use the microwave at other times and he doesn't bat an eyelid!

I've always ignored the barking from the start, this morning I'm ashamed to say I got impatient and yelled sit, it worked for 5-6 s ;)

I guess I'll combine distraction and persistence. I'm just amazed he knows specifically its his dinner I'm preparing...I usually try to disguise it by preparing while I'm cooking our own dinner - the food is in the same cupboards and everything, yet he barks as soon as I start on his....spooky - or food obsessed breed, most likely both!

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My 4mo darling does exactly the same thing. I tell him once to be quiet, and if he barks again I walk away and ignore him and the food. When he's forgotten about the food, I go back and finish getting it ready. He usually sits very quietly watching while I finish preparing the rest of his meal. Then I make him sit and wait, put his dinner down and keep him waiting until I give the release comand. He seems to be getting the idea that I won't be barked at.

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When he barks I ignore him until he is calm, take the food off the bench and walk to his dinner spot and then make him sit before I put the food down. BUT despite doing this everyday he hasn't stopped barking while I'm preparing the food.

I have a small dog that when I put the key in the back door open grille when coming home, barked & barked.

As soon as she barked, I'd turn around not facing her & stand completely still. When quiet, then, I'd turn again & start turning the key. As soon as there was a noise, I'd repeat.

Wouldn't matter how often. I did this consistently day after day....& the penny dropped. Noise meant what she wanted completely stopped. Quiet meant what she wanted, got done.

Persistence & consistency worked. She just stands & waits quietly now, watching me turn the key.

If there's any backsliding....I just do it again, but it usually just takes one turn back & ignore & stay still....for the bark to fade out.

My reason for training her not to bark in this situation is that the folk next door have a young baby....& the little dog's bark can be quiet piercing and disturbing. The bedroom section of their house is close to that grille door onto our deck.

Edited by mita
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Sounds like your pooch is telling you to bloody hurry up.

I'd do the following, it's part of Jan Fennells methods from her book Dog Listener:

When you're preparing your dogs food, get a Human biscuit and make it look like it came out of the dogs bowl and eat it slowly, this will probably drive your bossy little brat insane, but it's one way to get them respecting the Food and You aspect.

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Sounds like your pooch is telling you to bloody hurry up.

I'd do the following, it's part of Jan Fennells methods from her book Dog Listener:

When you're preparing your dogs food, get a Human biscuit and make it look like it came out of the dogs bowl and eat it slowly, this will probably drive your bossy little brat insane, but it's one way to get them respecting the Food and You aspect.

I like it!! Will try that today. I did the turn and ignore thing and it increased his barking, but it work with persistence. Pushy lil bugger!

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