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Is A Dog Ever Too Old To Start Agility?


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Following on from my 'curbing houdini' post, which some of you may or may not have read, I am thinking of introducing Mollie and I to agility. I have absolutely no experience in agility whatsoever :confused: and I dont think Mollie has had any formal obedience training although she does sit, shake and recall (most times).

Anyhow, she is 3 1/2 yrs old staffy x amstaff with a temdency for adventure i think - hence the wandering :laugh:

What I am wondering is, do you think she is too old to start this - am I wasting my time or can they pick it up fairly good?

She seems to pick up on most basic skills, however, she is struggling with 'drop' :laugh:

Im hoping if we do agility it will give her the added adventure she appears to crave. Will the people at agility have patience with us :eek: We are near to the CAWA so would prob go there. I would maybe need to do thier basic obedience first?

Any advice, previous expereince would be appreciated. Thanks :)

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Hi Joelle,

Nope never to old to train agility. Agility Dog Club of WA train on a Tuesday evening at the canine grounds. They have an excellent foundation agility program.


I don't think you have to have completed an obedience course before.

I think Southern River also train at CAWA but stand to be corrected as I don't know. I do think though that ACWA is a very good club and the people are very friendly. :confused:

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Thanks guys. I really dont think she needs vet checked to assess her joints or anything, she is very healthy and can run and jump for ever :laugh: In fact, the more wide open the space, the better as she can get her speed up, she loves to jump over things , through things , run through water etc etc. I think she will love it. SHe looks like she is skipping half the time :confused:

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Age should never stop a dog from starting agility (or training) but age related injuries may.

At 3 1/2 your dog is at a great age to start agility, definitely not too old. Just get her checked out to make sure she has no physical problems then you're free to start this very addicting sport! and its lots of fun!! :confused:

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I just looked up the Southern River website.


Yep they train agility - a foundation class on Monday evenings with concentrates on focus, targetting, reliable recall, reliable stays, tugging and heeling on both the right and the left and once you complete that proper agility on Thursday evenings.

ETA. I would still probably recommend ACWA.

Edited by ness
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I just looked up the Southern River website.


Yep they train agility - a foundation class on Monday evenings with concentrates on focus, targetting, reliable recall, reliable stays, tugging and heeling on both the right and the left and once you complete that proper agility on Thursday evenings.

ETA. I would still probably recommend ACWA.

Thank you all, I have sent ACWA an email. I think she will need the foundationn class, on Tuesdays i think. Do you think it will help to settle her or will she still have a tendency to roam. I know no-one can give a solid answer, but Im hoping the one on one special time with her will assist in

a) keeping her brain as active as her body, thus tiring her out

b) build upon the bonding we have - we do have a close bond, but I am her 6th owner so Im guessing she has issues with trust, attachment etc

Am I on the right track??

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Not sure if it will help the tendency to roam or not - but I guess if you work on more mental activity of which agility is part mental and part physical they are less likely to roam as they are more content to sleep. So yes I think you are on the right track having said that I have a houdini who gets umpteen amounts of training - training for utility and does agility and she still escapes given half a chance.

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I've just started my dog (3 and a half) at agility. She LOVES it! I'm also hoping it will help build on our obedience work. After only a few weeks we've been over all the equipment bar the see-saw. I am gobsmacked at the way she climbs over the A-frame (she's smallish). The tricky thing is for me to learn how to hold my body and have the confidence to guide her over the equipment in the order required - at the moment she has the bad habit of running off to zoom thru the nearest tunnel all of her own accord - she particularly LOVES tunnels. :confused:

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I don't think its ever to late. Busters almost five and I still havn't competed with him or had any formal training but still intend to.

It's surprising how addicted you get! :cry: I didn't start training with Zach properly until he was 4. (Almost 5) Now we're doing Obedience, Agility and Weight pulling! ;) It seems like every weekend I'm out there with him now!

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