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Clicker Training


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Miko and I went for our first puppy class this morning.

I was introduced to clicker training.

I understand what clicker training is bascially about. Good behaviour - click - treat...

i have an adult grey and an adult whippy which i would like to start clicker training on too.

should i separate them to train one by one?

i would think so. if not, it gets confusing to other dogs when one is doing clicker training and the clicker keeps going while the other dogs are not performing a good behaviour.

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Yes - it works best if you separate.

The aim of the clicker is that for every treat there is a reward - so if you are concentrating on only one dog - you should have the other away so they don't get confused :rofl:.

Also helps in terms of not letting the dogs get confused with who you are training also :rofl:

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Hi Katlek

pleased to hear that the lovely Miko is starting school!

Yes, train seperately, or at least have the dog/s you are not working pegged/crated out of earshot. Not just for clicker but they can get confused from verbal commands too!

It is also quite a good training session to have them sit/lie there and await there turn....especially if you take them to other dog events.

Annie and her boyz

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