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Update - Symptoms


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Ok these are the symptoms my dog has

1. Bilateral discharge from the nose - yellow and clear - not profuse but it is there - and discharge from one eye

2. lesions on the inside of the nose - nowhere else at all

3. Drinking and urinating more

4. Very interested - almost obsessed by his own urine - drinking it

5. Lethargy - depression - he is still playing outside but if he was 100% before he is 70% outside and 50% inside the house

6. Monocyte count that indicates tumor/growth or infection

It makes me think diabetes but urine tests TWICE have ruled it out

Off to the specialist as soon as we can - perhaps he can shed light on this

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Ok these are the symptoms my dog has

1. Bilateral discharge from the nose - yellow and clear - not profuse but it is there - and discharge from one eye

2. lesions on the inside of the nose - nowhere else at all

3. Drinking and urinating more

4. Very interested - almost obsessed by his own urine - drinking it

5. Lethargy - depression - he is still playing outside but if he was 100% before he is 70% outside and 50% inside the house

6. Monocyte count that indicates tumor/growth or infection

It makes me think diabetes but urine tests TWICE have ruled it out

Off to the specialist as soon as we can - perhaps he can shed light on this

Hi there, is your dog desexed?

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Sorry, I guess it doesnt actually matter if your dog is desexed or not as I previously asked as it isnt alwyas sexually transmitted.........My thoughts here are that a possibility is your dog has Canine Herpes Virus, I believe it is detected by a blood test.

CHV has flu like nasal dischgarge, sometimes a cough & can have inflammed tonsils.......Just a thought that not many realise exists in Australia, but is on the increase, or more so being diagnosed more often as it has probably always been in Australia I spose.

Nasal mites?

i know you think nasal tumour also, but my friend in the last couple of months has experienced this in a dog of theirs, and there was more blood in the discharge than anything else. He also had very "rattly" breathing..........

What about his teeth? Rotting roots can affect the nose as the infection drains into the nose, the sores could be ulcers caused by a bad tooth?????? Sorry I am guessing as I dont know your dogs details, age, condition , breed etc.......

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teeth are ok

there is blood but its from the ulcerated areas

my dog hasnt been "sexually active" in his life - he was desexed early and no one has mounted him and nor has he mounted anyone else - he doesnt socialise with other dogs outside my own dogs

vet doesnt think the teeth ae a problem

he had a dose of cortisone this morning - a high dose - and seems very happy tonight - will see how he is over the next coupld of days

we are leaning towards discoid lupus at this stage but ideas are welcomed

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Guest kitakins

you said the vets ruled out diabetes with a urine test. thats not a very accurate way of diagnosing diabetes. have they done a fasting blood sugar?

the cortisone can make the heart beat harder and faster.

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Off to the specialist on Thursday - first time we could get in to see him.

Dog is now panting like he is overheating - soon as he gets up and has a drink he is fine - i think it has more to do with his nose being crusted over (lesions bleed, blood clots, he gets crusty, clear the crust, lesions bleed, etc)

he is playing and eating but is losing weight at a somewhat alarming rate.

I think part of it is that ive put him on a pure meat diet for a few days - to try and get his stomach right - seems to have worked on that part - smallish firm poos just like I like them.

I can put him back on his proper food now but I think the weight loss is also from stress - he lost 900gm in 5 days - possibly a little less 850gm - for a 37kg dog that is a fair amount - he needs to be around 38

He wont die of starvation any time soon but it is an alarming thing nonetheless coupled with all the other factors

Hopefully specialist can put us on the right track

Wish us luck

We are going with fungus/infection from a foreign object/lupus/tumor in the nose

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