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Lynn Leach Herding Clinic


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Hi All ;)

I've been given permission to cross post this information from our yahoo group.

Lynn is an experieced herding trainer and one of the original committee members still on the CKC Herding Program, she is also a judge. She will be coming out from Canada to give some clinics, the details are as follows:

Foundation Clinic 15th - 17th November

Aimed at those early in their herding training and those looking to reinforce their foundations.

Recommended for dogs of Pretrial (PT) level and below, although this will be flexible.

Cost $240 for 3 days.

Trialing Clinics - 20th & 21st November

Aimed at building on foundation training and developing more advanced trialing skills.

Recommended for dogs trialing or preparing to trial (PT and above), also flexible.

Cost $160 for 2 days.


The clinics will be held at Drouin (VIC) approximately 90 minutes from Melbourne

Lynne is an all breed herding instructor and you can find out more information on her Here

If you are interested, please visit the Vic Herding Assocation yahoo group or send me a pm.

Happy Herding :rofl:


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Well we just got back, Lynn was absolutely brilliant. She is *the* most patient person I have ever met :confused: with both handler and dogs.

I got lots of training tips and new methods to try out, hopefully we will be back next year kicking butt :(

For anyone doing the next workshop, bring LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of aeroguard :( Or maybe one of those hats with the dangly corks.

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OK the flies out there are mutant flies, I literally had 16 layers of aeroguard on and it did NOTHING!

Find the strongest bug repellent you can :laugh:

You'll love it Riles, I was so sad when the workshop ended :laugh: Lynn had so many great training ideas to try out, but then she has been doing herding for 20 years with many different breeds.

We had an interesting mix of breeds at our workshop, a Bearded Collie, Old English Sheepdog, Finnish Laphund (spelling???), Briard, Aussie, and my girl Indi (Border Collie).

If you have a camcorder, take it along :p I hope Lynn comes back to Australia soon.

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I think today was the last day of the Trialling Clinic, and yes I am sitting here waiting to find out what it was like!

I filmed the whole three days (ok, well for as long as the batteries lasted), gee I never realised that I walked like such a doofus :eek:

At least the trialling clinic got the nice cool change :o we got the six billion degree heat, humidity, and the FLIES and BEES and WASPS :) :) :laugh:

edited to add link to Lynn's website, you can order her DVD's there too: http://www.downriver.org/

Edited by indi_dog
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How did we go? HOW DID WE GO????

We just spent the last two days with the Monty Roberts of the herding world. Incredible, amazing, gobsmacked!!!!! :(

It is beyond my comprehension how lucky we were to get the opportunity to attend, the results will be seen this coming season, it will blow your mind. :)



PS: Thanx for the hot tip about the aero guard,I had Tropical strength and we had to keep putting it on every half an hour. Mutant bloody flies alright, Tuesday we thought we were going to be carried away by them and it was stinking hot, yesterday was a lovely day cause it rained. Absolutely spewing I didn't have a cam corder and your right, I could have spent a month with Lyn, you just could NEVER tire of the woman.

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:rofl::rofl: ;) :cry::love: :D :love::love::thumbsup: :D :cool: :)

Does that quite express how I feel after meeting and working with Lynn? It was the most amazing experience of my doggy life, I learnt more in 2 days with her than in the last 12 months. Seriously amazing!

Wow. I have been getting mighty frustrated lately, not knowing what I needed to be doing with my boy to get him past a few sticking points. Within the first 2 hours with Lynn, I understood what we needed to do.

Some of the stuff Lynn talked about seemed so obvious when she pointed it out but no-one has ever made it clear like she did. I don't think my jaw got off the ground for the entire 2 days! I think I am a little in love :o

Wow. Can't wrap it up enough.

Weather: must've been 35 + on Tuesday and around 13 on Wednesday ;) At least with the rain (constant) on Wed, there were no flies!

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Geez you're lucky, we got reeaaally hot weather, I don't know how Lynn managed to run around the paddock all day after us and still keep all that enthusiasm. I did ask her, she said she really loves doing this and it didn't bother her.

Seriously wasn't she the most polite, patient person you have ever met?

Did the workshop hosts work their 2 border collies? I love those dogs. Did you get Gemma kisses? :rolleyes:

Did anyone tape this workshop? I taped the foundation one, I would have loved to see the next one.

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