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Few Questions


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Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone can recommend a crate for my Bichon, Charlie - who is about 6-8kg and will grow to 10kg MAX. There are all types out there, I would like one were he could call his little home and where he can sleep. If someone can tell me where I can buy them (In Sydney), or online.

Also, leg lifting while urinating! My puppy has always stands which his legs lowered when he urinates, does leg lifting come later on? Hes 8 months and was desexed at 6 months. Will he ever leg lift? Also we have never seen the 'red lipstick', will he start getting them? (With the dog we were looking after before we got Charlie, he got them all the time! Not desexed though) He has also never humped (thank god!) will he start doing all these things later on or will It never happen since he is desexed?



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He's sooo cute!

Ok crate - Maybe one of the soft ones would be better for a little dog (and seeing as he should be out of the puppy chewing stage), they would be a lot more portable than a metal one if you need to take it anywhere.... I have a metal one as I'm going to have a big dog and he's a chewing machine! You can get them on ebay http://search.ebay.com.au/soft-crate_W0QQf...QfromZR8QQfnuZ1 or just do a google search for soft crate and heaps of links & advice come up!

Lifting the leg - someone mentioned the other day that they saw their boy lift his leg for the first time - and he's 11 months

Not too sure about the lipstick though and the fact that he's never humped I don't think that's a bad thing - hopefully it stays that way!

Hopefully someone else can give you some more ideas!

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I had a crate but sold it as I didn't use it. I did use one in the car in the early days, though- easy to clean puppy accidents.

Handy if you go out, you can take him with you in a soft crate, if that's what you'd like.

For home, I'd not worry unless there are ongoing toileting/ chewing issues. Or, if you wanted to keep him safe away from visiting children etc.

My 2 have padded mats- outdoor and indoor so they have a "spot" that's theirs.

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With his penis, its always there (hopefully) it will never ever go away, promise....it may or may not come out of its house, it doesnt usually mean anything, just sometimes pops out in a more relaxed state sometimes. His urge to hump everything may have been tamed as he was desexed at a timely age. :)

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My male Pei Zephyr is 4 years old, he was desexed at 9 months

He normally wees like a girl and squats, the only time he lifts his leg is if he is playing in his yard with another male, he will toilet over where the other dogs went

He has never humped anyone or anything either

As too a crate, I like the collapsible metal ones, they are available on ebay, you would only need a small or if you want more room a meduim

ETA, never seen his lipstick either ;)

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