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I am wanting to make my own Broad jump, Solid jump and bar jump (I can make my own box OK) and was wondering whether anyone has made their own and if you have pics I could follow from and materials used to make them.


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When I trained for open years ago I made a makeshift broad jump by getting 3 or 4 lengths of chamfer board (you know the one used on old houses) & propped them up using bricks. Thick part of the chamfer to the bottom, thin part to the top. So from side on they looked a bit like this /.

Not particularly high brow, but it did the job for me :laugh: .

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I made a solid jump with two tread-in electric fence poles, a white horse feed bag, two tomato stakes (trimmed to length), and some wire. The poles trod into the ground. Bent wire to make jump cups, on the poles. Feed bag has a stake down each long side, and one of the stakes put into the wire "jump cups" - the pole can be displaced if struck by the dog (safety feature). Feed bag looks like a solid white jump. Stake on the other long side is now on the ground and stabilises the bag - bag can be rolled around it to the right height.

Sounds dodgy but it worked for me and my doggie, who got her CDX pass without much problem. :laugh:

Edit: I didn't have much money in those days to was looking for cheap alternatives. Oh yeah and the bar jump can be the same thing without the bag on.

I made a broad jump too, by cutting planks to the right length and cutting the end bits, then screwing the end bits onto the horizontal bits.

It was all very cheap but it worked.

Edited by sidoney
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