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I will eventually need to buy some clippers for my Tibetan Spaniel cross Maltese, and i saw some in The Good Guys, they were Breville and were $100.00. They were specified dog clippers. Would these be any good? I dont want to clip him short, just so that hes comfortable in summer and doesn't end up like a big mop! So would these ones be ok? Or shall i look elsewhere...

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I use people clippers. Works well for me i have found. Im sure groomers clippers are better but mine only cost $25 from myer so works out a lot cheaper than sending her to the groomer every couple of months. My grooming skills have a lot to be desired though lol

Edited by honeychild
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I have a miniature (small) and standard poodle (the big ones). The human clippers don't work on thicker coats. I tried it and it did about 1cm on the smaller poodle :o. A tibbieX maltese would have a thick coat I imagine, so you need the dog type and poor quality ones are a waste of money.

If you only use them once a year, a groomer would be easier and cheaper overall.

Be wary clipping a thick coat- it can grow back thicker and more unruly. You can get better results using the right type of brush and perhaps a stripping tool. I'm not sure for your breed mix, sorry. Also a thorough blow dry with a groomer's force dryer can help get rid of dead coat.

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Clipping does not make a dog cooler or more comfortable. If a dog is groomed properlly airflow is what keeps the dog cool. a dog draws it cool from its belly thats why some dogs only wade into water upto their belly. there are probably many other answers about this too BRING THEM ON PLEASE. Basically if I were you I wouldn't waste my money on $100 clippers not good value. if you wouldn't but your dog food from the good guys why would you buy clippers !!

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Thank-you all for your replies! Well i will ditch the ones at the good guys then!

I saw some advertised at Petstock..Andis or something along those lines? They were $300, now on special at $200. Are them ones any good?

Also another question while i'm here, Barney has now got the brown stains under his eyes (if you know what i mean). Just wondering what people do to remove it? If you can! This is my first little fluffy dog, so i'm still learning!

Here are a couple of pics of the little boy at 11 weeks!



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  Kate_19 said:
Thank-you all for your replies! Well i will ditch the ones at the good guys then!

I saw some advertised at Petstock..Andis or something along those lines? They were $300, now on special at $200. Are them ones any good?

Also another question while i'm here, Barney has now got the brown stains under his eyes (if you know what i mean). Just wondering what people do to remove it? If you can! This is my first little fluffy dog, so i'm still learning!

Here are a couple of pics of the little boy at 11 weeks!

It depends on which model Andis. The AGC2 is a powerful professional clipper. Don't get the Andis MGB or the small pet grooming kit as they are only for trimming and light use.

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Brownish-reddish stains? I don't know what to use but I'm pretty sure poodlefan does. You can try a search through her posts, search. If all else fails, PM?

Bathing eyes with a salty water solution is safe to do- use only one tissue/ cotton wool per wipe to keep her eyes clean. This won't sure the problem, though.

I had this when our pup came to live with us and found it improved a lot when I added more raw food to his diet. Could have been anything, like a reaction to a plant/ grass here, though.

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