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OK - I will bite - why would anybody bother teaching the broad jump for open when signals is leading onto what they will encounter in UD??

It took a lot of hard work to convince Ness that this was the way to go, but I think I have finally done it :) since the BJ doesn't even get mentioned in the same sentence as next trial any more ;)

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A lot or was it that brick wall you made me hit my head against half a dozen times :rofl: or the threat that I would be left on my own to train the rest of UD if I dared to do a BJ in a trial. I know maybe it was your connections with the gods that I said I would only do the COP if I was failing and guess what we failed something other than COP and got full marks for COP. Ever since then I haven't looked back. I even got a bit cocky and tried a signals only COP in a trial since we were already failing but nope she missed that.

No more BJ for me. Not sure Ness can even do one anymore as last time we tried she thought she would walk through it - that totally sealed its fate ;) . Besides it also meant on the weekend while I knew she was sore that I could still enter her as there was only 1 jump to worry about in open and looky we passed both trials and one with a second place :) . Ness also more regularly loses less on a COP (mainly full marks but a few points off here and there of late). Besides I know when we get to UD she will at least have had experience with a COP in the ring.

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I would do the BJ with my Dobe, only because I don't think she will ever get to UD (may never get a CDX title) and she does the BJ easily and correctly, she seems to enjoy the big jump. I am teaching her siganls, if only we could do heeling for more than ten seconds. :)

I would never do it with a new dog and I wont be teaching it to my pup.

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Never say never PAX!!!!!!

Don't get me started........

Ness would never get a CD title (hmm 4 passes in 4 trials)

Ness would NEVER get a CDX title (3 passes from her first 3 trials).

Ness would never learn Scent Discrimination (well we have that most of the time).

Ness will never trial in utility (well ok we aren't there yet but we are on a good night not that far off)

Ness would never get her AD/ADX (well we got there eventually)

Ness will never get her passes in Masters Jumping (we are only 3 off our title and while its been a while its closer then I thought we would get).

Not bad for a BC who was NEVER going to do anything ;) .

Ooops I forgot one Ness will NEVER get a 190 in Open (work in progress, just needs a better handler :) ).

Edited by ness
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It interesting the mind set .........

I will still teach a broad jump - but only in the agility sense.

I do teach all my kids a drop and increase the distance from an early age - so progressing from a drop to a sit is easy.

I also teach the kids an informal drop on recall from a young age too - I pretend to throw the ball they race off to get it then turn around to see where it is and I give them a down verbal and signal - they do it and the ball gets thrown for their reward.

Yep had to work hard on Ness to give the broad jump up - came to the agreement that if she was on a fail then it would be COP's. Lucky for me she failed a few trials and then there was no turning back.

Funny "Can't" isn't a work I use very often!!!! "Get over it" is! :) ;) :rofl::eek:

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Hmm Pax I think not. Who has me trained that I stay home from uni to stop her going walk about when nobody else will be home. Who has me trained that when we go walk we only go a certain direction. Who has me trained to give her treats on DEMAND when she barks.


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Didn't I post enough brag threads for you Ptolomy and what only 2 donuts a day. Now how much chocolate did you consume :) .

Any way I think I have already congratulated you about 150 million times but what is once more - :cheer: .

Well done on a VERY SUCCESSFUL 2007 PERTH ROYAL Show and may they continue in there fine form at the States this coming weekend.

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I could brag about that but then we might have to explain why we didn't manage to pass due to naughty mum dropping the DB on the retrieve on the flat.

Any way since you mentioned it yep Ness got her best heel free score in open on the weekend with a still in shock 25!!!!!!!!

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Hey PAX and LP,

Get in line will you. Ness is already booked to be shipped across on Monday but then once she is returned I am sure Ptolomy can then deal with yours :hug: .

Don't you know i'm a cue jumper :(:eek:

Plus - who wants a stinky BC when you can have 2 gorgeous Aussies.... 2 for the price of one ya know :):cheer::rofl:

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Went to training on Sunday and set up a smallish agility course. I gave the mad black dog a few runs, still crazy dog :) Then I gave Denny a run or two and he worked really well, clearing the jumps nicely and not off course and he only stopped to pee once!

The bestest thing was when I gave Narmi a go. Narm has never shown any interest in agility, I think her motto is "why go over when you can go under or around" :cheer: My hubby has been popping her over some jumps in the yard (when he thinks I'm inside doing domestic stuff and can't see) and boy was Narm keen on Sunday. My yellow jumped all the jumps with so much enthuasim and she was very clean in doing so and surprisingly quick. Very proud of her effort!


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My brag for tonight.......

I had UD ring practice at club and Ness has been struggling a bit with her directed retrieving.

Any way tonight as usual we had a judge put us through the practice ring. Well tonight his comment after we completed the exercise was that was precisely how it should be done. It was brilliant. Total focus on me for the about turn and halt. When I placed my arm down to give the signal she followed the direction out and I sent her and she returned with the correct glove and a wonderful present.

Very very pleased with my little munchkin :happydance2: .

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