leopuppy04 Posted September 9, 2007 Share Posted September 9, 2007 Do you ever have a moment where your dog has done something that makes you just proud as punch over it?!?! Doesn't have to be anything special - but brag about it here!!!! For me..... I've been training on/off for open obedience since June.... I am never motivated in the middle of winter . Saturday I had an agility trial where the dog ran well, but the handler abominably! Well for excellent jumping anyway. Sunday we had our obedience training. I've been having a few sticky spots with Leo's training and we haven't been for a while, so this was going to be interesting. Heeling - instructor said he heeled great - never took his eyes off me (we like to gawk at crowds - who knows they might have some food to share ) and never lost position!!!!!! Retrieve - we have been having a lot of problems with this in the sense that he will trot out (or maybe walk) then turn around and look at me - as if 'waiting' for another command. So we have been working heaps on this. Result was on Sunday he RAN out to get the d/b, didn't even pause, picked it up and bolted back :thumbsup:. Same for over the jump too (with a difficult throw).... So now all we need to work on is COP, Broad and stays (our worst)! I was so proud of him though I also took Kinta in for the first time (13mths) as she has now finished all the classes so we did a very short session. Her heeling was great, considering her age and she gave me a nice straight recall too. Handler was told off for walking too fast and not making turns/halts clear enough for her causing her to get confused. On the whole - I was pleased with her too! I thought it would be nice to have a mindless brag page - a place where you can brag about the silly things that you usually wouldn't on here - we all need to say how proud we are of our dogs!!!! It can be anything at all - from coming back to you on a walk to doing something absolutely superb! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laffi Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 I had a great weekend as well. (my doggies are not very advanced tho). Midge (18mo): (our frisbee competition was canceled so it was just in our usual park) she managed to catch at +30m 4 paws in the air 4 times in a raw (we stopped there though). Her heeling was excellent as well when we practiced. Also it getting better at d/b. Laffi (8mo): as some know we had some retrieving problems (she wouldn't bring it back or wouldn't even play if Midge wasn't there). This morning I took her for a walk wo Midge, threw her frisbee and she retrieved it 3 times with great style. She didn't stop so sniff the grass at any stage! Same with heeling on the field! She was stunning. It was really amazing because she is going through her teenage years and sometimes is really hard to get her concentration. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bordersrule Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 Saturday went really well for us at Flyball Training. Ally did her first continuous full flyball runs today without having her usual blonde moments. YAY!! It was definately a proud mum moment. It has taken her 12 months to get to this level as she had no real interest in balls up until the last couple of months. Ally has definately made me work hard, but it has all been worth it. :rolleyes: My boy Flash only took 2 months to get from training to competition level and is now 1 of our most realiable dogs. Chloe is also doing really well. She had her 3rd lesson and is doing box work as well as most jumps. She is a very smart girl. They all made me very proud on Saturday Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laffi Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 bordersrule said: Saturday went really well for us at Flyball Training. Ally did her first continuous full flyball runs today without having her usual blonde moments. YAY!! It was definately a proud mum moment. It has taken her 12 months to get to this level as she had no real interest in balls up until the last couple of months. Ally has definately made me work hard, but it has all been worth it. My boy Flash only took 2 months to get from training to competition level and is now 1 of our most realiable dogs. Chloe is also doing really well. She had her 3rd lesson and is doing box work as well as most jumps. She is a very smart girl. They all made me very proud on Saturday congrats! :rolleyes: how did you increase Ally's interest in balls? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bordersrule Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 Thanks Laffi Right from when Ally was a puppy her game was to chase Flash not the ball. I did not realise at the time that she did not know what a ball was until I started flyball training and she wouldn't even look at a ball. It took a lot of patience and hard work!! I trained her using clicker. It began with her nose facing the ball she would get a click and treat. It then progressed with touching the ball with nose then went onto mouthing the ball till eventually she would hold the ball in her mouth. Once I had the mouth holding it was easy to get her excited about chasing the ball. Now she loves it. She will go mental if she hears anyone else doing Flyball and she is in her crate waiting for her turn. She gives Flash a challenge now when playing ball :rolleyes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arya Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 LP that is wonderful about Leo's retrieving!!! I can't wait to see him in the Open ring as he will probably blitz the field the way he did in Novice. He is such a lovely dog My mindless brag - well, I had a wonderful Saturday with my dog too. She made me so proud training in the ring, using a hose as a reward. I felt her just fly along beside me in the heeling at one point and whatever I asked her to do, she just did it. Sometimes she won't work well and is very distracted but this wasn't one of them. This was probably the best she's ever worked, except for one or two odd occasions when we have been alone at our local park. Makes it all worthwhile when you feel the dog go into sort of 'special drive' and fly. :rolleyes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lablover Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 leopuppy04 said: Do you ever have a moment where your dog has done something that makes you just proud as punch over it?!?! Fun topic and replies. My dogs make me proud, if they understand, what I require. Lately they seem to be training great. Had some good news last night also. One of my older males (Stamp), daughters won the NSW championship and is the current leader of Retrieving Dog of the Year. The dam's owner is suffering from incurable cancer, and not expected to live much longer, so it is especially wonderful. I hope that they well at the Australian national. Also with SARDA's River (another Stamp son), being in the paper and a short clip on the news. Cool, I reckon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShellyBeggs Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 I have never been prouder.... Anzac...my 8mo kelpie pup out in the garden, lifted his leg to pee yesturday.....instead of peeing all over his front legs! Sure it was my good azalea bush he peed on.....But he did it!!! :rolleyes: And 3 minutes later Aniken....my nearly 8mo aussie pup decided he wouldn't be out done and lifted his leg to pee for the first time also.......he fell over having not got the balance right and sheepishly looked around to make sure no one had seen!!! My boys are growing up..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
huski Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 My minor brag (or more of a frustrating gripe, depending how you look at it :rolleyes: ) is when I took mish to obedience club for the first time as I normally only take Daisy and he got promoted to Daisy's class on the first night. He also has problems with other dogs and I am exceptionally proud of him when we can train in the class close to other dogs without his focus waning. It also makes me feel like less of a bad dog trainer when at least one of my dogs "gets" it, but at the same time it is frustrating because Daisy is much more difficult to handle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Clover Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 Well done everyone :rolleyes:. Harri had his first show on Saturday morning, he was very well behaved. I thought he would be a little feral but he was nice and calm, so the training must be doing it's job. We then came home and headed off to Flyball training, the 2 Borders and Clover dog ran realy well. I am especially proud of Tinny the change in that dog in the past 12 months has been amazing.. she is just a little bit awesome . She is running realy well, and is not fussed having dogs running in on her now (she used to miss the last couple of jumps). Harri is doing well with his puppy Flyball training, he has a great old time. He is starting to focus more on the activities a bit more, unless there is a tree near by that needs peeing on . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J... Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 A big well done to everyone on their acheivements!! :D I have a brag from Saturday as well, we went along to our 4th ever agility/jumping trial at Croydon and Darcy and I picked up a pass in Gamblers on a tricky course, and a 1st and a pass in Novice Jumping in the arvo, giving Darcy her JD title. SCT was 40 seconds, we did it in 21.35 - we must've been flying!!! I still can't comprehend that she goes that fast!!! So very very proud of her, especially since she's not yet 2 year old Given I was on here flipping out over out 1st trial a little over 3 months ago - wow! Was well and truly worth getting up at 3.45 am Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PAX Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 I play little games with my 14month old girl to check she knows the verbals and signals. I do sit, drop, paw, back and stand in random order of verbal or signal and she nails it every time. She is the first dog I have trained that knows stand off a verbal or signal, the other commands I have found easy to train. Makes me smile every time I do it, and it looks so fancy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Clover Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 FP that is fantastic , you must be so proud of Darcy. Keep up the great work everyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
t(AD)pole Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 Well not much of a brag but at the Croydon trial (yes we were there too :D ) Abbie didn't run out of the ring in novice agility! yay. She stuffed up her weaves as we haven't practiced 12 (only done 6 before) but I was so pleased that she didn't trot off to see my dad like she did in jumping It was also our first VCA trial so I didn't know how she was going to behave. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Spotted Devil Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 A brag so minor that only a Dally owner would truly understand Last Wednesday night at show training, we were outside on the grass for the first time in ages.....young Zig went completely nuts as only a teenage Dal can - nose in the air, nose on the ground, rearing up on his hind legs, trying to play with the other dogs, constant wining He chucked a huge wobbly and tried to nick off and sniff something - I stood my ground and ignored his antics and the little bugger managed to slip his show lead and take off across the oval Ok...so not much to be proud of yet but I simply crouched down and called brightly "Ziggy, come!" and the little lad turned immediately and bolted back to me like a greyhound All that training paid off! I kept patiently asking him to 'work' all night and he really did get it together....even our trainer was impressed :D My last dog was an ACD - her whole life revolved around being close to me so training a dog that tends towards the opposite is a whole new experience Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sayreovi Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 t(AD)pole said: Well not much of a brag but at the Croydon trial (yes we were there too ) Abbie didn't run out of the ring in novice agility! yay. She stuffed up her weaves as we haven't practiced 12 (only done 6 before) but I was so pleased that she didn't trot off to see my dad like she did in jumping It was also our first VCA trial so I didn't know how she was going to behave. Ahh so that was you Wasnt game enough to walk up and ask if you were from DOL haha I dont have any brags really, both dogs including mummys boy Darcy have been total pain in the a**es lately.....not happy. Our time at Croydon was very short and not sweet, went to training afterwards where Darcy didnt refuse anything at all, gotta love that :D LP Did you get any passes at Croydon? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silvawilow Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 We were at Croydon and I am happy to report that Blush didn't leave the ring to see her adoring fans I think she must have realised that the crowds not there to see her, poor girl :D I was really hoping she'd get her novice jumpers title there but unfortunately she decided on Saturday that ALL tunnels had a hidden boogy man inside and had to be approached very slowly and to first stick your head in and check it out then look at mum and then go through. Got 2 passes with my crazy black dog at Croydon!!!!! Got 1 in novice gamblers and 1 in novice pairs - was over the moon and very happy with my girls, they both tried very hard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
B-Q Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 A couple of weeks ago, I was walkig Buster off leash in a big paddock-y type thing near my house. he was way up ahead of me when a dog came running up from behind a fence near him. Instead of running up and down the fence jumping and snarling at this dog, he just turned around and wandered away, completly ignoring it then coming runnin back to me. Very very proud moment right there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
helen Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 Way to go Leo & Kinta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staranais Posted September 10, 2007 Share Posted September 10, 2007 Big brag for us too! Me & my staffy just entered our first two public obedience comps, and won both of them. It wasn't our best performance ever, they were both small classes, and just very low level ribbon trials, but I was still very proud of my boy. Especially considering that when I adopted him three or four years ago he was not only completely untrained, but very dog aggressive. We didn't have a single growly episode at the comp, despite the huge number of dogs there, so I guess in some ways it's a double brag. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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