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Sheltie Tail Problem?


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I would like to get some help from some experienced Shetland sheepdog owners / breeders.

We recently welcomed a new sheltie puppy into our family, she is only 9 weeks old and a very playful little girl.

She is the first sheltie we have owned and as such we are unsure about what is normal and what isn’t, we think she may have an abnormal tail problem.

From what I have seen of photos on the internet this breed should have a long strait tail but our girl seems to like to curl her tail around at will she does not do it all the time but more so when she is excited or happy.

Please take a look at the attached photos .

Is this normal?

If not can anything be done to help her hold her tail correctly?

Is this something that will correct its self as she grows up?

Thank you for any help you can give





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welcome to DOL Native Metal! Your puppy is very cute - what is her name?

check out the "breed sub forum" in general for the "shelties, collies and anything crossed thread" - and there is a thread for sheltie puppies in the "photos" forum also! Lots of sheltie owners in there and we would all love to watch your little girl as she grows!

No - the tail being curled up over the back is a fault in the standard - were you planning on showing her?

I have no experience with this in puppies so am not sure if it is something that will correct itself as she grows - certainly I do not think there is anything you can do to the tail to correct it (being part of the spine - not a good idea to play with it for asthetic purposes) - it shouldnt give her any troubles though :laugh:

You will get some great advice on here - the other option (if you are really worried about it) is to go and talk to her breeder about it!


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Gorgeous baby. As BC said her tail is a fault, looks like it is too short, the tip of it should touch the hock and also looks like she has a flatish croup and high tail set. None of these things matter in a pet but it would count against her in the show ring. Just enjoy your pet, she is a nice typey pet puppy and her tail will not cause her any difficulties in life

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You pup is lovely...I had a sheltie ages ago; he was a lovely dog, even if his ears never dropped. I bought him as pet quality because of the fault. Lovely natured little dogs :rofl:

Kymbo, the vast majority of sheltie ears require help to tip at some stage. They are normally gunked or taped up until around 12mths when they set. Anyhow lovely dog

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You pup is lovely...I had a sheltie ages ago; he was a lovely dog, even if his ears never dropped. I bought him as pet quality because of the fault. Lovely natured little dogs :)

Kymbo, the vast majority of sheltie ears require help to tip at some stage. They are normally gunked or taped up until around 12mths when they set. Anyhow lovely dog

I think I persevered with painters pigment? I think that was what the lady gave me ( you mixed it up and it looked like putty), for agessssss. I got him at 5 months; I have a feeling she knew that his ears weren't gunna tip. Anyhoo, he was a great dog nature wise and encoraged me to get another a year later too. Great breed :thumbsup:

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Hi Native_MetaL,

Your puppy is really lovely.

I was just wondering, where did you get her? If it was from a breeder then perhaps you could speak to them directly.

Unfortunately, if it was from a pet shop, then she might not even be a pure Sheltie.

Good luck with the tail issue. There's plenty of knowledge on DOL so someone should be able to help you out.

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