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Bruno is now 10 months old. We have been through every single naughty behaviour imaginable, from biting, jumping, digging, pulling clothing off the line, ripping clothing (while I'm wearing them!) and the list goes on.

I am now the proud owner of a very obedient, very large (45kilos!) boy. He has turned himself around over the past two months. It has been a terribly hard slog, and I almost gave up at one point when he had ripped yet another pair of my pants as I walked out the door, but I'm so glad I hung in there.

Many a phone call to his breeder, many tears (mine and his!) lots of stand offs and grudges later, he has finally matured! I have been using lots of techniques learnt here on DOL, and for the most part, they have worked. I'm not saying he's the perfect dog, nor would I ever want him to lose his cheeky streak, but we have so much fun now together! I still have the water spray handy, and I only have to say "spray" and he immediately behaves again.

So, I just wanted to let everyone know to keep trying every technique until you find one that works for you and your dog. The rewards are endless...

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Oh Sh#t - You mean I have this crap to deal with for another 8 months :):)

lol more than likely.

Jak is almost 7 months old now (still hard to believe it myself) and I was the same. We went through hard times, she'd latch onto my pants legs (I have three pairs now that are just hole ridden from the ankle to the thigh!), nip, growl etc. She was a handful.

But she's settling down now. The latching on to my pants has FINALLY stopped, she now FINALLY understands that my sitting on the couch is not an invitation for her to jump all over me then walk around the back of the couch and chew on my pony tail, and she now FINALLY sits every time I tell her to :-)

She's a good girl now and a joy to be around, makes me laugh all the time. The hard slogs are worth it for sure.

Here's two pics I took of her tonight (terrible quality, had the camera on the wrong setting - oops). She'd just arrived home from a fun packed day at doggy daycare, so was getting sleepy. She always manages a pose for the camera though :-)

Rhi & Jak


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He's my big sooky boy, that's for sure. I set up the couch with my doona and pillow, put the heater on, and went to make a cup of tea to settle into the midday movie, come back to find him under the doona! He was too cute to move, so I camped up the other end! He also lets me use his rump and hind leg as a pillow when I feel like it. Big sook but I love him!

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