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Still Can't Get Blue Coat


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My blue Grey is still not 100%. I have his coat stripped out, he's blowing coat at the moment but what is coming through is shining and looks fantastic, he shines in the sun and the actual coat looks tops.

He's on a mix of dry, fresh chicken, he gets hard boiled egg twice a week, and sardines and he's on livamol every day but the scurf is still coming through. I bath him less than once a month. I can't work out what he's missing.

Suggestions of what he's missing please, I have three weeks until he's in the ring, I'm happy with the coat but need to get rid of the scurf.


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I have his brother BB with me as a foster dog. His coat was extremely dreary until I started supplementing with Thrive D (which I was actually using to try to put condition on the other foster dog but he didn't improve at all).

BB never had a particular problem with scurf. He's also bathed no more than once every six months. :D

Hope you find a solution to the problem and good luck in the ring. :rofl:

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Does BB have one brain cell and no nuts ? :D :rofl: It's a family in which stupidity run rampant, but we have discovered they have one brain cell, which rotates between four lobes ( eating, sleeping, zoomies and derrrrrrr ) :rofl:

If anyone can help with scurf, that would be wonderful :laugh:

ETA: here he is


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Hey Warley,

A friend of mine that has shown black dogs for years swears by Malaseb to lift scurf and dandruff. I found it was excellent and left no residue in the coat.

Also a lot of people with brown Dobes say that livamol is the worst thing for making the coat colour patchy and blotchy. I like missing link for shiny coats.

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The coat is fine, there's not patches in it and it's in good condition, it's the scurf. I can shampoo it out but it keeps coming back, which is why I'm thinking that I'm missing something that is diet related.

ETA: I can cure it for show day, with bathing and rinsing but I'm looking for long term results.

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When my Dobe had scurfy skin I gave him 4 fish oil capsules per day plus two cod liver oil capsules per day. After two weeks I cut it back to two per day and Cod liver oil caps a couple of times a week, he weighed 40 kilos.

Also try the malaseb wash if you haven't already, if just lifts all that flaky skin off, honestly it was like magic (I am not a Malaseb rep, I swear). :D

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Just getting my head around this, cod liver contains vit A & D correct ? fish oil capsules contain omega 3 ?

Omega 6 is found in oils containing LA and GLA ? commonly in flax seed , walnut, soy and canola oil ? and also in egg yolk.

If he already has, sardines and livamol, he's getting the omega 3 but not enough of the omega 6 ?

So would adding walnut , soy, canola oil and increasing the egg be correct ?

aarrgghhhhhhhhhhh :D too much thinking

EDIR, as I typed the wrong oils, blame the kid, I had to stop and clean up a mess half way through typing

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Gawd it's all a bit technical, you sound like me when I switched to BARF. Just give him the stuff and see what happens. I think any unwanted stuff would just get pooped out. :D You should notice an improvement within a month.

Just to make things more confusing I also fed Evening primrose oil caps and cold pressed olive oil a couple of times a week. I stopped it all after about a month and just gave the fish oil and cod liver oil when I remembered. I never fed Livamol to this dog.

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Gawd it's all a bit technical, you sound like me when I switched to BARF. Just give him the stuff and see what happens. I think any unwanted stuff would just get pooped out. :rofl: You should notice an improvement within a month.

:rofl: I know, but I'm trying to work out what's missing. If he's already getting the required amount of omega 3, then buying more omega 3 and feeding that is not going to fix the problem.

My thinking is that it could be the omega 6 that he's lacking :D

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A friend of mine had a black grey who had shocking skin when she got him. Nothing worked and she's been feeding Barf for ever. In the end it was 2 or 3 doses of a medicated wash that cleared his skin and he's been fine ever since, this was about 5 years ago.

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Omega 3, 6 & 9 have to be fed in balance to work effectivly, so if you have been feeding plenty of Omega 3 but no 6 or 9 you wont get the best results. An imbalance in these oils can actually produce a demalogical response.

My guys had scurfy coats, untill I read a bit more about the oils and I have since changed to an Omega blend oil which is a balanced mix of 3, 6 & 9, its actually a horse products but safe for dogs called Performa 3, I simply drizzel it over their feed every night. I have been using it for a few months now and Koda no longer has allergy problems or scurf. So I can recomend giving it a try

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Taking another leaf from horse folk Warls, I'd suggest a daily body brush.. either with a soft body brush or a hound glove. It will stimulate the skin to produce more oil and help move the scurf out.

Groomed horses are shinier!!

I already follow the horsey rules from the QH days :rofl: He gets his daily going over :D

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