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What do you mean by 'not socialised' - at all - or out in the big wide world?

Note that this is my very inexperienced opinion.

BUT - if this dog has been adequately socialised around the house etc, so it has had 'learning' during those 4mths, then maybe it would be ok.

It really depends on how it reacts around the place especially once removed from it's familiar home.

I got Kinta at 5mths old - she had socialisation and lots of it, before I got her, but not to the extent that I would have done had I taken her home at 8wks. But my belief (and I may be wrong) is that because she had social during those 5mths, she was able to adapt easy to new situations. Initially when we took her home, she needed a little longer than a baby pup to 'settle in' and did give us a few 'suprising' responses to new environments/ new situations, but she always recovered quickly and adapted well to situations. Since I have got her, we have been doing lots of social and just plain taking her out everywhere and meeting all kinds of places and people (therefore not missing out on what I would have done had I got her at 8wks)..... I am happy with her progress and would say that she has a fantastic temperament. She isn't nervy or worried, but she is a one person dog and takes a lot of indication from me. IMO that is her temperament and not because of anything else.

So I think it depends on what you mean by 'not socialised'. If it has been locked in a room for the first 4 mths and not had anything but a bit of a pat from the previous owner, I would say no.

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She has been kept outside with another puppy (litter mate) until about a week ago when the other puppy was sold. Plenty of toys to play with, lots of bones to chew on. She has had interaction with the breeder, lots of show stacking and interactions with any visitors. All outside not in the house, so she obviously isnt toilet trained at all.

Than last weekend she had two days out at the show, trips in the car where she drooled a lot. Time at the show in a pen with another puppy for company, time with strangers, walking on lead for the first time (no issues), play with strangers. off lead running in a paddock, play and cuddles with me and several other people.

Not a blink at anything.

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She has been kept outside with another puppy (litter mate) until about a week ago when the other puppy was sold. Plenty of toys to play with, lots of bones to chew on. She has had interaction with the breeder, lots of show stacking and interactions with any visitors. All outside not in the house, so she obviously isnt toilet trained at all.

Than last weekend she had two days out at the show, trips in the car where she drooled a lot. Time at the show in a pen with another puppy for company, time with strangers, walking on lead for the first time (no issues), play with strangers. off lead running in a paddock, play and cuddles with me and several other people.

Not a blink at anything.

From what you have said - although it is unlikely to be as much as what you would have done if you had taken her home at 4mths - I would say that this could be adequate. She has had time out, interaction with other dogs and people and as you say - not phased by anything (I wouldn't be concerned about the car - lots of dogs are affected by this)... can you take her on a trial (assuming this is why you are asking for the opinion)?! She sounds pretty well adjusted to me, and if you keep going with the social (after giving her a week or 2 to settle) i'm sure she'll come forward in leaps and bounds :laugh:

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