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Puppy Bleeding From Anal Passage


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I agree with the others, what the vet has said doesnt seem to make sense. If they really wanted to take a urine sample they could have needled it from the bladder, it just seems strange that they want you to wait 3 weeks to get urine, why not as soon as you get home then bring it in to see if there is an infection? If it was my pup I would be calling the vet back or another one for a second opinion, or taking a urine sample in as soon as I get it.

To me blood coming from any orrifice is never a good thing, I would be asking more questions :rolleyes:

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At the risk of being called rude along with the others, the story does not add up at all.

If the vet wanted a urine sample then they would have no problem in getting one. Vets don't wait for the pup to 'go' they would take the sample directly from the bladder.

Secondly, if the pup was pooping blood then they would want a sample of the faeces containing the blood, not a urine sample.. unless of course the pup was passing blood in it's urine as well as from the bowel, in which case this pup was probably gravely ill.

Thirdly, if in the opinion of the vet the puppy had an infection then they would prescribe appropriate medication. They would not wait for three weeks to see if the infection had cleared and take the risk that the infection would kill a young puppy.

Doggie Lover, many of the people on this forum are very knowledgeable about dog health and veterinary procedures that normally take place with common health problems. To call people rude when they are simply trying to assist you is rudeness in itself.


Edited by cavNrott
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i agree with everyone else, doesnt make sense why the vet would take a urine sample 3 weeks later. im sure if you had bleeding from your anal passage & your doc said come back in 3 weeks you would find this unacceptable & get a 2nd opinion ASAP from another doc! any animal of mine would have been to the vet asap while there was blood showing to get it fully checked out!

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persephone and Cordelia thats very rude

How are they being rude? They just said it doesnt make sense. I agree - it doesnt make sense.

If you were bleeding profusely from your rectum would you want your doctor to just say come back in 3 weeks or would you want a 2nd opinion?

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I would not be satisfied with that diagnosis. I wouldnt be able to think about anything else i would be so worried. I know i would be getting a second opinion for something that is potentially so serious. I dont think that anyone here was rude or attacking you, they just want what is best for the dog, as im sure you do. Hope that she is still doing well.

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Hello Doggie_lover...

This happened to my dog a while ago and it was due to having lots of bacteria in his gut (he'd been running around and drinking bore water that we didn't realise at the time was coming on during the day while we were at work). My vet also said that the bacteria can come from bird droppings if the dog ate some or even stagnent water. That was diagnosed after the vet took a swab from his bottom and examined it under a microscope though. I am with the others and wondering about the urine sample 3 weeks later....seems a bit strange for the vet to want to do it like that.

My pooch was fine after he had some tablets and I just fed him boiled chicken and plain rice for a couple of days as well to keep his tummy settled.

Hope your puppy feels better!

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blood coming out of anywhere from a dog is not a good sign and can range from nothing too serious to something deadly. personally i would want all checks done NOW incase there is something inside that needs urgent attention ie torn bowels

Edited by shmoo
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