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Puppy Bleeding From Anal Passage


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Bright red blood is blood on the extremity and not much to worry about.............

Bright red blood that is light in colour can also mean that it is from an atery and is more oxygenated then blood in a vein and therefore it would be more dangerous if it was light. :eek:

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The fact that your pup appears "normal" is no guarantee this is a minor problem.

Lethargy can be a very late sign of serious bleeding/ illness.

Factor in the trip to vet after you make the call and it's not worth the risk of dead dog on arrival.

No-one here can know what's going on. I'm hoping it's something minor, but it needs to be checked out ASAP.

Best wished for pup :eek:

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Thanks for the help everyone. I rang my vet at 9am this morning got in at 9:45 got down there explained what was happening the vet asked a few questions checked her out said she is a very healthy young pup ruled out alot of problems due to her being so young and just said it could be a Infection that i should try to get a urine sample in 3 weeks and that was it, she was not worried and didnt think there was reason to cause alarm.

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persephone and Cordelia thats very rude, why would i come on here and lie?? im only going on what my vet said i also thought why would i have to get a urine sample when its in her poo but then thought to myself maybe cause its connected?? i will be watching her closely but so far today her poos are normal colour and hard. As for urine in 3 weeks thats to test if all the blood has gone.

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i also thought why would i have to get a urine sample when its in her poo but then thought to myself maybe cause its connected??

Did you ask the vet why?

No, it would not be connected. Two entirely different systems.

I agree with Persephone and Cordelia. This story does not make any sense at all.

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xavier, you can all think what you like i no the turth i no i got help for my pup end of story i dont have to prove anything to any of you. i wont be replying in this thread anymore its over i dont want to fight i no what i have done and its not anyones bussiness i asked for help yesturday i said thanks for the advice i gave you all a update today and am getting flamed and called a lier.

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Hi doggie lover.I am new to this forum too.But I think what the others were getting at was from the vets point of view that her diagnosise doesnt add up.I dont think they were having a personal attack or anything.I think anyway.

I do agree some times on the forum that the writing looks bad but if they "asked"you these questions in person they would sound completely different.

Just trying to get you to still discuss matters on the forum.



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Your story is confusing doggie lover. People have said it doesn't make sense.

You are infering that they think you're lying. No one has even suggested it.

Personally, I'd be ringing the vet to clarify instructions. I know vets can ask you to bring in a faecal sample but they generally collect urine samples themselves.

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poodlefan vet tired to collect urine but she wouldnt go. if my pup poos out blood again i will ring to clarify instructions but her poos are fine today no blood, hard, normal.

Such is life- thanks it does seem like a personal attack and it feels like i am having to stick up for myself and prove something when i shouldnt have to i was at the vet not everyone else.

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DL, don't take it that way, I think people were just commenting on the fact your story and the result from the Vet didn't seem to add up. No-one disbelieves you, it's just the vets advice seems odd in light of what you told us. I'm sure there is a very good reason, the vet saw the dog, if the vet was concerned I'm sure they could have done other tests. Glad your dog seems ok now. If you ever find out what it was, I'm sure we'd like an update.

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persephone and Cordelia thats very rude, why would i come on here and lie?? im only going on what my vet said i also thought why would i have to get a urine sample when its in her poo but then thought to myself maybe cause its connected?? i will be watching her closely but so far today her poos are normal colour and hard. As for urine in 3 weeks thats to test if all the blood has gone.

All I said was that I am confused as to why you need to give the vet a urine sample, when you said that blood was coming from the anal passage.

Sorry if that seems rude..I was/am querying the vet's request, is all.Seems a bit odd, as you sy yourself.

And, by the way, the bladder/urethra, and bowel aren't connected.....

Hope your pup remains well and happy :rolleyes:

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Yikes. If that was my dog Id be wanting to know more answers than just being told to get a urine sample in 3 weeks.

But then, if it was my dog I would of been at the vets the minute the bleeding started too :rolleyes:

Edited by wagsalot
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