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OK How to I train my girl not to bolt down the street as soon as she gets out the front door

I have never even tryed to take her off lead because she would run away she will "come" when we are in the back yard but trying to call her when she's running away up the road for what she thinks is fun is impossable and quite scary as I live near a main road

Is this just a puppy thing and I just have to keep practicing in the back yard till she gets older and not so distractable ?

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When my pup is off lead and on my front lawn,to get her back when i see she has the desire to wander too far, i just call her excitedly and get on all fours bum in air and bang the ground etc..she gets so excited she comes runing back!!

NO matter how long it takes to get her back never get angry wen she finally does!

Even if she keeps runnning dont chase her, i slowly follow (cause im on a main road i have no room for error),but stand still when she looks back at me. Then go to all fours again. Dnt freak out n chase her,she WILL think its agame and keep running AWAY from u

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... I have never even tryed to take her off lead ...

I don't know what you mean by this? If she's not off-lead, how could she not "come"?

DEFINATELY don't allow her off lead beyond the safe confines of your backyard and home until and unless you have achieved a reliable recall.

I have worked with a dog who was a quick as lightening and the owner's concern was that for all her care, the dog might slip past her children when they (who weren't so careful) opened to go through the front door. They too live very close to a very busy main road and she had lost a previous dog who was actually at the time under the care of a dog sitter in this way. So she was especially nervous of it occurring again.

It took a few home attendance lessons and the owner was fantastic in her practice a following the training regime. It is not a guarantee that it will never happen, so one still needs to exercise care, but the owner is thrilled with the results.

Edited by Erny
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Before allowing the dog off lead start doing recalls on long lead in different surroundings, proofing that. Also it would be best to teach the dog to sit & wait when opening a door and u walking out first then call the dog. (on lead ). Try this with any part of the house then the main door. This also helps when getting the dog out of the car. Teach them to wait and only come out when u call them.

There is a DVD you can get called Really Reliable recall, it focuses on recalling in all situations.


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... I have never even tryed to take her off lead ...

I don't know what you mean by this? If she's not off-lead, how could she not "come"?

DEFINATELY don't allow her off lead beyond the safe confines of your backyard and home until and unless you have achieved a reliable recall.

I have worked with a dog who was a quick as lightening and the owner's concern was that for all her care, the dog might slip past her children when they (who weren't so careful) opened to go through the front door. They too live very close to a very busy main road and she had lost a previous dog who was actually at the time under the care of a dog sitter in this way. So she was especially nervous of it occurring again.

It took a few home attendance lessons and the owner was fantastic in her practice a following the training regime. It is not a guarantee that it will never happen, so one still needs to exercise care, but the owner is thrilled with the results.

sorry once again I am not very clear its when I open the front door when we get home or some one opens the door and she slips out and "excapes" so to speak

I have been teaching her "back" in a firm voice when I go to open the door and she will normally scoot back and let me come in in close the door behind me but if some one forgets to "click" the screen door she will push it open and off she goes

thanks every one for your advice

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