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Training When Sick


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Hey guys,

Well two days ago I came down with the flu - and of course I feel horrible.. Sore throat, aching back etc

Yesterday my club had its fun day. (competition day) I'm in class 4 which is pretty much CCD level and is judged as such on the day.. Anyway before it was my turn I practiced with Zach and he worked wonderfully! Heeled well, did all his drops, stands, stays etc etc.. I thought we'd do well..

However I had a little while to wait until I was up, and I while I felt okay in the morning I was starting to feel worse off towards the afternoon.

When it was my turn in the ring.. well.. Zach was so sloppy with his heeling work! He's -never- been so bad! He was slow, I'd say heel and he was slow to start up, he heeled extremely wide, did his left about turns the wrong way, wouldn't sit when we'd come to a halt, and then sit wide.... It was horrible! He's never been that bad, not even in class! His stand for examination? Forget it! Dropping? I had to tell him atleast 3 times! Standing? He kept wanting to sit!

Atleast he completed all his stays properly.. But I'd like to know if anyone else has had a similar experience? By the time I was in the ring I felt extremely sick and really just wanted to go home.. Do you think Zach picked up on this and just didn't want to be there? I wasn't cranky or upset with him.. I was trying to do everything the same but I feel like he just knew I wasn't well and didn't want to work.. :thumbsup:

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Kowai, its not surprising the content of your post.Yes our performance does indeed affect the dogs performance.Unbeknown to us when we are feeling ill or off,we may think we are using the same tones,same body language,same pace of movement but there will be subtle variations to our usual mode of operation which the Dog will pick up on. Tony

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What Tony said :laugh:. Dogs very easily pick up on when we're 'hoping for it' rather than when we 'mean it'.

Sorry that you don't feel well Kowai - and it's frustrating when illness gets in the way of an event we've been working towards and hoping for success. Been there and done that when I used to compete with my horse in eventing. That was probably worse, because there is so much extra work involved in merely getting your horse to trials and home again.

Take it easy, get over your illness. And in the meantime, when/if you need to put in a little bit of practice work - keep it short and make it easy - don't ask for anything that is too demanding or difficult. That way you can both have the wins you need and deserve.

Stay warm. :mad

Edited by Erny
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The family's been under the weather for the last couple of weeks here too & now it's finally hit me :mad Usually we can work through when we're ill, but we take it a little more easily especially with problem child (we'll hang around on the sidelines & just praise for not wanting to eat other doggies :mad ) But the flu this year has been utterly terrible for everyone! When it's that bad, training takes a backseat probably because we're far too busy sitting on the couch gurgling & whining about how we're feeling :laugh:

Roggie (problem child) isn't too bad when we're sick, but Bella will notice if we're not 100% on top of our game & will just run more rampant than she usually does (bloody kelpies).

Best you go wrap yourself up in a doona & get some honey lemony drinks into ya :laugh: hope you feel better soon!

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Yep definately think that they pick up on any change in us. I had to do my basic obedience test with a cracked tail bone, it made me walk quite differently and as a result Brock surged a fair bit. With a cold your voice would probably sound different too.

Hope you get better soon!

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Thanks so much guys! I'm feeling a bit better today but I still have a sore throat! :laugh: Atleast I'm out of bed anyway, and I even managed to go have a look at the Moorabbin Obedience Club's trial for a little bit too to see what its like :mad I'm just popping Strepsils at the moment and taking it easy :mad Thanks again guys I was feeling a bit down this morning cause of yesterday but now I feel better about training :laugh:

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The family's been under the weather for the last couple of weeks here too & now it's finally hit me :mad

Sorry this seems to have got worse for you since last time we communicated, MsJames. Hope health ends up on the up and up from here on. :laugh:

... but we take it a little more easily especially with problem child (we'll hang around on the sidelines & just praise for not wanting to eat other doggies :laugh: )

Way to go. :mad

Sorry to 'steal' your thread, Kowai. But I'm being an opportunist. :rofl:

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Strepsils! :mad they're just lollies masquerading as medication. What you need is some Cepacols, they taste really gross so you know that they're good for you :mad I notice you're in Wezza, so am I. Don't make me stalk you & shove Cepacols into your mouth :laugh:

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PS - If anyone needs lemons, I have a tree laden with them. Have been giving them away by the bag fulls.

We've got a lemon tree out the back that doesn't seem to want to produce anything apart from little green knobs :mad Maybe I should get MrJames to have his wee walks out there :laugh:

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Strepsils! :laugh: they're just lollies masquerading as medication. What you need is some Cepacols, they taste really gross so you know that they're good for you :rofl: I notice you're in Wezza, so am I. Don't make me stalk you & shove Cepacols into your mouth :laugh:

Haha I know! But Strepsils are the only ones that taste good! :mad All other lozenges make me want to spit them out straight away! :mad Oh god don't make me eat them!

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I'll bring you over a bag full. :mad

Oh ..... and some for Kowai too, seeing as she lives nearby you.

Note: I did not have to pee on my lemon tree for it to produce :laugh: ..... just in case people begin to think so :mad. But I have often enough kept up the fertiliser (purchased from Bunnings and collected from local horse agistment place) and mulch to it and it also receives good sunlight throughout the day.

Edited by Erny
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Strepsils! :rofl: they're just lollies masquerading as medication. What you need is some Cepacols, they taste really gross so you know that they're good for you :rofl: I notice you're in Wezza, so am I. Don't make me stalk you & shove Cepacols into your mouth :laugh:

Haha I know! But Strepsils are the only ones that taste good! :mad All other lozenges make me want to spit them out straight away! :mad Oh god don't make me eat them!

Oh yes, I shall! I'm big & mean, just ask poor MiniJames :laugh:

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I'll bring you over a bag full. :mad

Note: I did not have to pee on my lemon tree for it to produce :laugh: ..... just in case people begin to think so :mad. But I have often enough kept up the fertiliser (purchased from Bunnings and collected from local horse agistment place) and mulch to it and it also receives good sunlight throughout the day.


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I'll bring you over a bag full. :rofl:

Oh ..... and some for Kowai too, seeing as she lives nearby you.

Note: I did not have to pee on my lemon tree for it to produce :laugh: ..... just in case people begin to think so :rofl:. But I have often enough kept up the fertiliser (purchased from Bunnings and collected from local horse agistment place) and mulch to it and it also receives good sunlight throughout the day.

My boyfriend confessed to me once, early on when we moved into this house that late one night he had to take our new puppy, Kapo, out for a wee.

Well, he decided while out there that he had to pee on our lemon tree!!

Unfortunately Kapo decided the um trail of pee was so interesting that she wanted to play with it, and my poor boyfriend had to spin around and try not to pee on her!! :mad:mad

Is this all "Worlds fasted indian" inspired? :laugh:

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PS - If anyone needs lemons, I have a tree laden with them. Have been giving them away by the bag fulls.

Me too please....I'm not sick but I love a G&T :laugh:

Hey! A shot of Gin in my glass and you can have TWO bags!!!!! :mad

Seriously - if you live close enough, you can have some lemons ..... and I am not fussed what you use them for or for why. Besides, G & T = preventative medicine. :mad

PS .... must admit, I prefer Scotch and coke. :laugh:

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My boyfriend confessed to me once ... he had to pee on our lemon tree!!


Actually it does have beneficial effects (but for safety assured, keeps the dogs locked up! :mad). At their old property, my folks had a grape fruit tree that was sited over/near the septic tank. The septic tank developed a bit of a leakage over time ................................ sweetest and largest grape fruits ever!!!

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First of all I do hope you are feeling better now.

Of course your mate knew you were sick and even that you were feeling worse later in the day, my boyz always seem to know if I am sick or even if my lupus is playing up on me.

If I am feeling fairly bad in the am of a trial I do give it a miss, but that is my decision, I know others will have different opinions and I respect that too.

Annie and her boyz

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First of all I do hope you are feeling better now.

Of course your mate knew you were sick and even that you were feeling worse later in the day, my boyz always seem to know if I am sick or even if my lupus is playing up on me.

If I am feeling fairly bad in the am of a trial I do give it a miss, but that is my decision, I know others will have different opinions and I respect that too.

Annie and her boyz

Thanks so much, yeah I'm feeling -so- much better now :laugh: Lets hope training tomorrow goes alot better!

I think it was definately a one off that bad performance, and was because I was sick. Aparently I was really pale before I went into the ring :rofl: I should've told the judge I guess!

Tomorrow morning we're driving over to see a bit of weight pulling in the morning before driving back for our class in the afternoon :D

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