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Tear Stains


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I thought I heard hear ages ago that beetroot could cause tear stains... Is that right?

Are there any other things that could cause them? Anything to prevent them?

Switching my pup to an all natural diet has cleared them up significantly, but it seems they have become a wee bit darker since adding beetroot to his meals, but then again... I could be imagining stuff...

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That's a gorgeous Happy Pappy you have there. I have Papillons, I don't feed beetroot itself but beet pulp is in some kibbles, but really don't know if it exacerbates the problem. Papillons will often have running eyes, usually fixes itself as they mature. I usually just wipe the eyes a couple of times a day, tried all the tear stain solutions and found that Kojo works the best to lessen the staining but you can just use warm salted water and pat dry with a soft cloth, if you do this regularly (usually twice a day) it will gradually disappear.



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Thanks Carabelle (I think I've spoken to you via email before, when I was still looking for a puppy) :laugh:

I'll ask my sister about Kojo, she works at a vets so they might stock it, otherwise she can look at the pet shops in Sydney for me because the one pet shop here only has limited things!

I think that I may have heard beet pulp can cause tear stains initially in regards to kibble, I think someone could have said not to feed a particular kibble because it had beet pulp which could worsen tear stains, but then again my memory could be playing tricks on me!! It does that sometimes... :thumbsup:

If no one hear has an answer I'll cook their next batch of food without beetroot, if the tear stains clear up again I'll share the news :(

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