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Help! My Bulldog Wont Walk Anymore


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More explanation please :(.

Do you mean she doesn't even want to go out the front door/gate?

Or do you mean she is walking and then plants the brakes?

Is it only spasmodic? IE She'll walk some, then want to stop?

This could be a training issue, or it could be through some physical discomfort that has not yet been detected, or it could be something outside that she has become fearful of. Hence the questions. We need to narrow it down.

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Well its strange cause she wont even want to leave the front door. once we get her outside she just refuses to walk in any direction, she will happily try to get into the car though.

Her normal walk is generally no more than 15 mins

I cant think of anything that might of scared her over the last couple of weeks as her life is fairly structured. Its looks easy when watching the dog whisperer but not so easy trying to pull 24kg bulldog.

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Well its strange cause she wont even want to leave the front door. once we get her outside she just refuses to walk in any direction, she will happily try to get into the car though.

How is she when she gets out of the car at a different location?

Do you think it has to do with you putting the lead on her? eg: when she goes for a walk you put the lead on her, when she goes in the car you dont use a lead?

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Sorry...I don't have any advise :thumbsup:

But I met a bulldog about a month ago (bubbles), and it's owner was telling us how she would just stop and sit down and refuse to move when she took it on walks, or was about to take it for a walk..

She put it down to being incredibly lazy..?

Maybe it's a bulldog thing?

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Sorry...I don't have any advise :o

But I met a bulldog about a month ago (bubbles), and it's owner was telling us how she would just stop and sit down and refuse to move when she took it on walks, or was about to take it for a walk..

She put it down to being incredibly lazy..?

Maybe it's a bulldog thing?

I'm starting to think this could be the reason. Ive heard this about bulldogs as well but could not believe it could happen to Tilly as she used to love going for a walk. Anyway hopefully this is only a phase and if it is there is always other ways to exercise her.

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Sorry...I don't have any advise :rofl:

But I met a bulldog about a month ago (bubbles), and it's owner was telling us how she would just stop and sit down and refuse to move when she took it on walks, or was about to take it for a walk..

She put it down to being incredibly lazy..?

Maybe it's a bulldog thing?

I'm starting to think this could be the reason. Ive heard this about bulldogs as well but could not believe it could happen to Tilly as she used to love going for a walk. Anyway hopefully this is only a phase and if it is there is always other ways to exercise her.

It could be a medical thing so a good idea would be to ask your vet :rofl: If you don't think its that, Tilly could be going through a stubborn faze? How old is she? Maybe you could try and walking in a new and more interesting area for her?

When our Kapo was young she refused to walk on the lead too. I know puppies normally hate a collar and leash and will try to get them off, jump around etc.. But she would just sit down and flat out refuse to walk. We just refused to let her 'win' though. She had a harness on so we'd lift her up by the harness and make her walk. (Let me stress that she was in no discomfort or tired or anything, she was refusing to walk when we'd just left the house) Eventually she got the idea that we wouldn't give in to her and she started walking on her own, with only the occasional 'I don't want to go any further'. We used heaps of praise when she walked of course :)

Now she LOVES walking and she tries to pull us over! :thumbsup:

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