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Herding Behaviour


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Hey LL my border plays with his bowls too! Very annoying when I get home in the dark and I can't find the damn things. Am trying to teach him to find them for me at the moment! He also spends hours pushing a plastic pot around, the noise is amazing! Gives visitors a bit of a fright. :thumbsup:

Reddii the dogs might not be a problem with herding the kids, mine do a lot of 'herding' which mainly involves stalking, running and dropping, pointing etc and borders aren't supposed to be nipping type herders.

Brock's latest hobby is herding planes and hot air ballons! A dog has to have a hobby :cry:

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Tassie: Reddii - my take on this behaviour (which is maybe more prey-drive behaviour than specifically 'herding') is that if it bothers you, and particularly if it looks like it might turn into a compulsive sort of behaviour, then you need to stop it - and redirect the dog to something else.

This is the problem with herding instinct Tassie, whilst it stems from prey drive, it is a work instinct which can be difficult to switch off in "raw" herding breeds. Regular herding lessons will teach the dog the "off" switch but that doesn't mean these dogs will not 'help themselves' if the opportunity arises. This is why most working dogs on farms are not left to roam the property when not working. They are usually kept in crates or kennels.

Absolutely agree Kelpie-i :thumbsup: .

My red kelpie bitch I had on the property used to herd ants if there was no sheep work to keep her amused :) .

Prey Drive in a BC,Kelpie,Catahoula and so on is herding!!!Reddi there is no way you will surpress this behaviour.You might as well try to stop Pigs rolling in the Mud!!!You do need to find an outlet otherwise your on the way to a Neurotic Dog.Try to surpress the Herding behaviour and it will take another unhealthy form.

Kelpie-I has given some good advice in her posts.Dogs like this are great with strong prey drive and good nerves,not some wishy washy watered down thing.

:cry: Tony :cry:

Brock's latest hobby is herding planes and hot air ballons! A dog has to have a hobby :)

We had a foster that used to herd planes - & since we actually live on the edge of a flighpath he got plenty of stimulation :D . Jarrah harrasses the cat to make her run so he can herd her, he actually nudges her with his nose so she will run away :cry: . The latest obsession is pigeons that roost on our house - he & Jonty chase them constantly :cry: .

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:thumbsup: This is all so funny - my dogs are really normal then. :cry: I knew a lot of what I was in for when I decided to take on BC's, but some of it is still coming as a surprise. The best thing is the more I learn the more they learn and the more it is rewarding.
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Something I have always done with my borders Reddii is to pretend to work them! i.e. if I am going to the washing line I will call them to me and say lets go do the washing and we all go up to the washing line! If I go get the mail, it is come on lets get the mail! Sounds silly but they love it! I might chuck in some sits, drops on the way, do a recall etc. Or I might ask them to find the cats, each other etc.

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Something I have always done with my borders Reddii is to pretend to work them! i.e. if I am going to the washing line I will call them to me and say lets go do the washing and we all go up to the washing line! If I go get the mail, it is come on lets get the mail! Sounds silly but they love it! I might chuck in some sits, drops on the way, do a recall etc. Or I might ask them to find the cats, each other etc.

Not silly at all JulesP. This makes the dogs think that they are required for work. Cesar Milan puts a dog pack on very active dogs and stuffs the pack with a can of beans or something and the dog is made to carry that around whilst on a walk. Gives the impression to the dog that he is working.

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Something I have always done with my borders Reddii is to pretend to work them! i.e. if I am going to the washing line I will call them to me and say lets go do the washing and we all go up to the washing line! If I go get the mail, it is come on lets get the mail! Sounds silly but they love it! I might chuck in some sits, drops on the way, do a recall etc. Or I might ask them to find the cats, each other etc.

My dogs LOVE to help me in the garden so we work on that. they also love to find the cats. Great idea - I'll have to do more of it.

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