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Sin Bin


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Look I haven't been here long, but it seems like some entrenched members have no idea of how to be in a forum. I offered some data from my own professional background and i gave it in as impartial a form as I could. The concepts i was talking about were at least equivalent to trying to give a one page summary of different types of reinforcement, pretty tricky.

For my efforts I got personally attacked. My credentials were questioned , i was not given a fair go. I mentioned that i thought it was moving away from the Australian principles of a fair go. Believe you me technically I was right. some of the response are so off beam technically, that the people at work are free and clear of the technical D*****d title for weeks.

I think that serious personal insults should be met with some kind of sin binning. Otherwise this is not a forum,it is just a rough house where those who type the longest use the most insulting language "win". There shouldn't be a winner, there should be a robust but polite exchange of views

I know that in the normal dog world, i have no difficulty. I discuss issues with others in a polite but robust manner. We have a few laughs and talk tall stories about our dogs. We sometimes talk footy too. I don't want to take away what you do, but neither should you mine.I just wonder where these very harsh people come from and what their agenda is?

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Things can get a bit heated here, especially as you have noticed in topics having to do with training methods or tools :whiteflag:

Remember that people come from a wide variety of backgrounds and deal with different temperaments of dogs for different purposes - from pets to competition to show to work such as police, security or quarantine. As such their experience, methods and preference of tools or equipment may be different to yours, and some do not sugar coat what they say.

There is a warning system in place in this forum in case things go too far in terms of personal attacks etc.

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I read that whole thread you are talking about.

I dont know you any better than i do any of the other posters but I believe it is not as you are saying it is.

I think people on a forum have to be very open minded and willing to listen to others as we all have different experience and most of us dont know each other.

It is easy to become emotional and defensive over something you feel passionately about.

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You have done a service to the forum in being impartial and taking the time out of your life to offer advice based on your professional experience. Those slandering you for this probably have the professional experience of a Monitor, Hard-drive, Keyboard and Mouse.

Why you let anyone on the internet get to you is beyond me, but people like you are a credit to this forum and all that it stands for. Don't leave us because some people happen to be ignorant pigs :whiteflag:

Hate the method, not the trainer.

Edited by PAX
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Hi PoodlesPlus

Personally, I think you could have a lot to offer the forum with your trialling experience etc, but people do not like being mocked with "in your face" comments telling them they are simply wrong with a capital W. Then you harp on stating what a professional you are, and seem to dare people to say differently.

People use a variety of training methods on this forum. It is obvious that you have full faith in R+, but this is not the Yahoo"Positive only"group, and you could do well to keep that in mind. No need to chime in every single time that you don't agree with something.

Hell, if I responded to every comment that I did not agree with on this forum, I would 1) be here all day, and 2) not have many friends.

The only reason I responded to this one was that you seem to feel genuinely hard done by. I am not trying to put sh#t on you, but you need to realise that there are emotions being felt on both sides of the computer screen. Nobody likes to be told they are wrong. Whether you are dead right or not, you will end up the loser.

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Guest rhapsodical78

Heya. I haven't read the post in question, but with regards to this post I believe you're completely correct.

People should be able to engage in mature, adult debate without resorting to petty abuse and name-calling. I'm of the opinion that as soon as the line from debate to personal insult is crossed the people involved should receive a warning. People (many of who claim to be professionals) resorting to acting like petulant teenagers just drags the whole forum down.

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If theres one thing i have learnt... hit REPORT before someone else does!! if u think its gettin out of hand dont wait!

I was on here a while an was surprised how nice everyon was,but ive since come across "the other" variety.

Dont take it personally

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There is a warning system in place already, if you feel you are being attacked personally or that another forum member is breaking the rules, hit report and let the mods decide.

Having said that, the only person I saw making personal attacks in the thread you refer to is you.

I didn't see anyone call your credentials into question, you were merely asked to back up your posts with links to factual evidence. I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

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Actually, if you are "Lab and Poodles" or "Lab & Poodle" (and by references in your posts it seems highly likely), then you've been around for considerably longer than you're lending people to believe.

The thing is PP, if you have a read of your first post in the thread you refer to, you will see where my response contained no personal attack nor reference to you on that level. All my responses to those parts of your post were made on a discussional level.

Your response to that was reactionary and you might see where you were the one who began references to people being "silly", "unimpressive", "stupid" and the like ................. (the least to mention, just to top it off, your own frequent reference to how good you think you are.) You also made allogations of others saying things they did not, in fact, say .... yet you belittled them for it and did not withdraw when your errors were pointed out.

Then starting a new thread to call for being hard-done by? Sin-bin? If that's what you want then if you give honest and objective retrospect, you are the one who needs to go to the 'naughty corner'.

Before you look and blame others for the "disgust" you feel, please take a hard, close, study at your own handywork .... you might then identify why and how it is that you feel as you now do.

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Poodleplus,I am reading between the lines and it seems a Possibility that you may be trying to hide your true identity.Anybody acting in this manner has certainly got an issue or two!!!

If your not trying to hide anything and are genuine,then I would say get over it and get on with it!!!!Also Human Nature can be a strange thing and People can be so far off the Track and not be aware of it. Tony

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Lab & Poode, is that you?

:whiteflag: I have only just read the thread in question 2 hrs after I first read this thread & responded - & only just saw Myzyka (& others) comments about you being L&P in previous lives. Seems Im not the only one who recognises you :o .

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Look I haven't been here long, but it seems like some entrenched members have no idea of how to be in a forum. I offered some data from my own professional background and i gave it in as impartial a form as I could. The concepts i was talking about were at least equivalent to trying to give a one page summary of different types of reinforcement, pretty tricky.

For my efforts I got personally attacked.

You were not attacked. You were disagreed with. You kept spouting theory and repeatedly ignored requests for scientific studies to back up your statements. You refused at all points. George Bernard Shaw said,

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.

Quite the opposite was the case. You called others names including "stupid" and "silly." Those ARE personal attacks but no one else is whining about it.

My credentials were questioned

Your credentials were never questioned. Rather you tried to make others feel "less than" by boasting of your education, even though it had nothing to do with the topic.

i was not given a fair go.

You were treated extremely fairly. You were asked many questions that you simply ignored and pretended that it had never happened. You told us several times that you weren't going to write any more, only to return a short time later, demonstrating that you're not a man of your word.

technically I was right.

Perhaps, but practically you were wrong.

I think that serious personal insults should be met with some kind of sin binning.

I agree. When are you going to apologize for your behavior?

Otherwise this is not a forum,it is just a rough house where those who type the longest use the most insulting language "win".

No one but you used "insulting language." If you disagree, show us the posts.

There shouldn't be a winner, there should be a robust but polite exchange of views

That's what transpired. The problem is that you couldn't support your side of the discussion so you looked bad every time you posted.

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You have done a service to the forum in being impartial and taking the time out of your life to offer advice based on your professional experience.

I'd suggest that you read the thread in question, rather than take sides based on what you've heard from one side of a disagreement. BTW poodlesplus considers himself "an apprentice" (his word) in dog training.

Those slandering you for this probably have the professional experience of a Monitor, Hard-drive, Keyboard and Mouse.

There has been no slandering, at least not from those opposed to poodlesplus. As to my experience, I've been involved in training dogs, mostly for police work and SAR for about 28 years. I've done 39 seminars in the US, Europe and Canada. Perhaps you should check your facts before you make such groundless statements.

Why you let anyone on the internet get to you is beyond me, but people like you are a credit to this forum and all that it stands for. Don't leave us because some people happen to be ignorant pigs (Emphasis added)

How polite you are. No personal attack there! ROFLMAO.

Edited by Lou Castle
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