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When To Desex?


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Hi everyone,

am hoping for some general advice on desexing a male puppy. I will be bringing my mini schnauzer home in just 5 days, (yay!). Talking to the breeder the other day she mentioned her boys tend to cock their leg quite early, now I wouldnt ordinarily bat an eyelid at this but we currently live in an apartment and as such his primary toilet training will commence using a pet loo in our laundry. As he gets old enough there will be plenty of walkies outside etc so there will be a good balance of places for him to eliminate. However my concern is that if he starts cocking his leg Im going to end up with pee up the wall instead of on the pet loo??

I think (I may be wrong) desexing reduces the likliehood of leg cocking, is this correct? If it is, this would seem like the sensible solution (he was going to be desexed anyway). I guess what Im asking is, when is the earliest I can safely get this done? I was going to wait until 6 months before the breeder made that comment and now Im just not sure...I dont want to do anything risky, I'm just hoping for a solution if there is one, if there isnt I will just deal with it, and invest in a sponge company :mad

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My Mums 10 year old dacy is desex and still lifts his leg.. It does look like he is going to fall over he is abit rocky, but he holds it up :mad

Iv got a boy who is not desex he is nearly 1 year old and he doesnt cock his leg...when i take him over to mums and the dogs are outside he waches the older one lift his leg but yer he hasnt yet done it.. my dog has pee a few times in the house but on the tiles and never pee on anything eles

so desex or not they will still lift there leg

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My Mums 10 year old dacy is desex and still lifts his leg.. It does look like he is going to fall over he is abit rocky, but he holds it up :mad

Iv got a boy who is not desex he is nearly 1 year old and he doesnt cock his leg...when i take him over to mums and the dogs are outside he waches the older one lift his leg but yer he hasnt yet done it.. my dog has pee a few times in the house but on the tiles and never pee on anything eles

so desex or not they will still lift there leg

Yeah, I knew they still can lift their leg, but I thought I read somewhere it does reduce the likliehood. LOL I can just imagine a dog lifting their leg to be all tough and manly and then nearly stacking it midstream.

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Sorry won't lessen the odds either.. I have had a 4 month old cock his leg so what will be will be. Maybe put some plastic behind the doggy loo - just in case. Personally I wouldn't de sex before 6 moths of age and usually I let them go until about 8 or 9 months so they hve grown and matured properly. JMO.

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Our male minis we suggest 5 months.The breed in general is a very clean dog but the biggest leg lifting problem are owners.When they go for walks they stop at every tree etc to let the dog lift its leg.Its a big NoNo with our dogs & even my entire male showdogs of another breed will squat as per taught,i dont encourgae leg lifting & i dont head for the nearest tree ,

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Desexing younger DOES decrease the liklihood of scent marking in males... as long as they haven't already started the behaviour. Desexing young in some bitches can increase this behaviour. Merely going on experience (since a lot of my experience is with desexed pups from 8wks).

The breeder has already warned you that her lines tend to do this younger than usual so desexing at around 14-16wks may help. Desexing at 10-12wks will decrease the liklihood futher.

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Thanks everyone....I might do a wait and see. Perhaps the fact that he will be primarily using a pet loo when he comes home will result in him squatting anyway...there really isnt anything for him to cock his leg at. I'll chat to the breeder and the vet when he gets his 2nd vacc re desexing and move on from there.

Thanks for the tree advice showdog, I always shake my head at that too, there is a big difference between the dog relieving itself during a walk and scent marking every vertical object it passes IMO :D

I will post some pics of my lil one when he arrives.


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