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Training In The Rain?



56 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you/Do you train in the rain?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes/Depends
    • Other

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I must admit...i hate training in the rain. I have done so in the past - but don't like it much...tend to have problems with colds during or after - not to mention Wet Dog Syndrome!

Training might be on tonight (Southsiders? any going?) - but i haven't decided if i will go...lol. I thought about using the dryzabone coats for me and the dogs...but the dogs will already be wet and covered in mud after playing about all day...so i'm not sure i even want them in my car! :mad

But anyway...do you or will you train in the rain?

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A light shower - perhaps, yes

Heavy rain - NO way!

I never want to work in the rain so I don't expect my dog to.... if my heart isn't in it, then why do I expect them to give me 110% :mad.

As for would I then trial in the rain - light showers yes, heavy rain - nup, i'll scratch :eek:

but I WILL walk my dogs in the rain :rofl:

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I voted no assuming you mean going to training classes that are outside? A wet GSD in the backseat of the car is not exactly my idea of fun! :mad However we will do some training in the house when it is raining (that is what we will have to do today - it is really coming down here!). Walks - yes if it is raining lightly, no if it is raining heavily.

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I wont be their kitkat the midget guts is nigh on useless in the rain, bugger I wanted to train tonight as he has his first trial next weekend, I train him in my house one of the bonuses of having a midget dog :mad

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Hehehe...the idea of two wet GSD's in my car is a major major turn off! :eek: Considering Sabe is still often like a frog in a sock when he gets excited :mad

Varicool...i was thinking you could lose Harves in a puddle at the training field if you weren't careful! At least if it's not raining on Friday you can take him down to training then and do a ring runout etc :rofl:

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I do but if it gets to a point where Cooper has to close his eyes due to the rain, which means it is really heavy, I'll stop.

I'm lucky cos he doesn't mind working in the wet at all. He doesn't react any differently. Its funny seeing him in a down stay with his head on the ground and his eyes closed :mad But I do end up feeling for the little mite so I'll put a stop to it.

Trial days, if its very heavy rain, I wont go at all, but showers yes.

However, hot days, no way !!!

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The wee fella might drown :mad I will have to pull out of trials if its raining as well, the little brat has to be pushed out the door to go to the loo when its raining....

Edited by varicool
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I used to train in any weather, rain hail or shine, my old club would be training, it had to be a thunderstorm for them to consider cancelling training (I think the CCCQ rules say no because of the risk of lightning?). And I would always be down there, we used to do heeling patterns in lakes of water & make our dogs do drops & down stays in puddles of water :eek: . As our OIC used to say, if you've paid money for an entry for a trial & travelled X amount of time to get there, you want to know that your dog will work in the rain!! :rofl:

Current club doesnt train if there is more than a light shower anytime in the previous 24 hrs :mad .

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Only in light showers at worst.

No contacts if it's at all wet for agility.. and not much else anyway.

Not at all for obedience. Two of my dogs are miserable on wet ground and I see little point in forcing them to do something they'd never do otherwise simply because I can. It would be forcing too. I don't enjoy trialling a clearly unhappy dog.

I don't trial in it either. I do it for my enjoyment and I don't enjoy being wet (no fun at all if you wear glasses). Wet agility equipment is dangerous and I value my dog's long term soundness over any one trial.

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Yes, train in the rain.

I never wear long coats while training or trialling as my dog loses his focus point and becomes confused. His heeling becomes inconsistant.

Although I do train in the rain, I cant say my dog enjoys it. They either do or they don't and I for one cant seem to get him to ignore it.

Last trialling dog was bomb proof in the rain, and I always felt that it was a big advantage to us if it was a wet trial.

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Absolutely! Class sizes are tiny which is great, plus the lower numbers of dogs means mine is easier to work with. Oh and I get to dress him up in his camoflage rain coat :whiteflag: The dog doesn't seem to care about the rain at all and his short coat is very quick to dry.

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Yes, train in the rain.

"I never wear long coats while training or trialling as my dog loses his focus point and becomes confused. His heeling becomes inconsistant."

Same reason here. Also the long coats can flap in their faces. At novice and open levels, I will take my coat off, get slighly wet and trial, as for UD forget it. There is always another day.

I couldn't care less about tracking, rain hail or snow. I can get comfortable, and both my dogs are total grubs. I think my Lab says "bring it on" and the poodle is a real tom boy.

Suprisingly madame poodle will drop any where any weather without hesitation. My lab will too, but i don't ask him now. I have never forced in any way madame poodle , but she has had some pretty consistent training for it.

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haha - you know what is amusing about this thread - you are all saying how your dogs don't mind it....

mine don't either - they even go swimming in the rain! But as for me - nuh-uh no WAY! I am NOT going out in the rain :whiteflag:

The dogs will get trained inside :cry:......

Your nuts - all of you..... nuts! :o

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haha - you know what is amusing about this thread - you are all saying how your dogs don't mind it....

mine don't either - they even go swimming in the rain! But as for me - nuh-uh no WAY! I am NOT going out in the rain :whiteflag:

The dogs will get trained inside :p......

Your nuts - all of you..... nuts! :cry:


I don't mind the rain, once you're pretty soaked you can't get any wetter. I don't wear a long jacket either, just my ski jacket that stops at my waist so I get somewhat damp :cry: It's kinda fun.

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One of my funniest training moments was when i had Brock on a stay and it just started to pour with rain with no reason, those massive big drops of rain. It scared the crap out of both of us!! The look on his face was priceless. He did break the stay.

I don't train in the rain deliberately but if I am club I keep going. Trained him the other weekend in quite heavy rain to see how he would react. Wasn't too bad. I find there is no change in performance in really hot weather. Very windy days he is a bit anxious.

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