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They Wouldn't....would They?


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Haven't heard this one either and cannot for the life of me figure what purpose this would serve. Admittedly, nothing much would surprise me when it comes to the RSPCA and the things it seeks to keep "banning", but seriously think even the unknowing general public would consider this idea somewhat loopy? :whiteflag::o

I wonder if it is targetting certain training groups ...... and maybe this is where you've heard the rumour?

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Havent heard of it either and can hardly believe it. Surely there is more important things for the RSPCA to take on rather than banning a dog sport which doesn't harm their life (probably enhances it!).....

Considering the RSPCA should be trying to encourage obedience and training, i'd hardly think it true :whiteflag:

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Has PETA taken over the RSPCA?

That was my initial thought too KitKat.

The info I got has filtered through a number of levels so I can't yet state on its truth or factualness (if there is such a word...can't think of the word I'm looking for) but it apparently came down from the Obedience sub committee.

Word was that obedience is cruel.

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Could be linked with the RSPCA dislike of check chains as well...they don't believe in the use of check chains and consider them cruel etc. They also seem to be going with the idea of purely positive training...so perhaps they are stating that general run obedience, eg check chains and balanced training etc, is cruel compaired to what they agree with and so intend to run with that ideal?

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The RSPCA mobs up here get rather upset just at the mention of them. I was in their store and nearly got kicked out because i asked if they stocked them! Which they don't as i was told in very uncertain terms :whiteflag:

The training they do up this way is (or at least was!) all very much purely positive, and use either a flat collar or halti i believe.

Edited by KitKat
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RSPCA Qld doesn't at least, on their enquiry forms they have:

We do not use or recommend the use of choker/check chains during our training.

ETA: As KK mentioned, the above line means you cannot attend classes with one on your dog, they really do get stupid about it.

Edited by molasseslass
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Sorry, but that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard, if that is indeed the truth. This is what annoys me about PETA too. They need to get their heads out of la-la land and back into reality. Obedience... cruel??? Okay, let's ban all working breeds, let's ban all forms of animal training, let's ban all humans lol. This simply cannot be true. And as far as check chains go, let's give some of these people a high drive Mal or GSD on a soft flat collar and let them attempt to deal with it. Idiots. :rolleyes:

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Sorry, but that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard, if that is indeed the truth. This is what annoys me about PETA too. They need to get their heads out of la-la land and back into reality. Obedience... cruel??? Okay, let's ban all working breeds, let's ban all forms of animal training, let's ban all humans lol. This simply cannot be true. And as far as check chains go, let's give some of these people a high drive Mal or GSD on a soft flat collar and let them attempt to deal with it. Idiots. ;)

So eloquently worded - and sooo true!!!! ;)

They need to start addressing real issues rather than worrying about this - aren't there more welfare issues to discuss rather than if doing something that utilises your dogs intelligence and tires them out is cruel...... hang on.... i'll just ask Leo and Kinta


Yep - they say it's cruel - cruel for me not to give them their dinner on a gold platter and make them work for their food!!!

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An exhibitor at a local dog show felt the need to tell me crates weren't cruel (never thought they were), so perhaps some nutters have been doing the rounds? they said something about "animal liberationists" thinking crates and dog shows in general were cruel to animals.

;) All those tortured dogs on cushions in crates, out with their owners for the day :rolleyes:.

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OK, I have asked RSPCA ACT.. CEO's response to the idea of banning obedience trials... "ludicrous idea".

He is checking around the country (thanks Michael) and will get back to me. :rolleyes:

Edited to add State stances on trialling as they come in.

ACT - encourage it

TAS - encourage it

QLD - encourage it

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Could be linked with the RSPCA dislike of check chains as well...they don't believe in the use of check chains and consider them cruel etc. They also seem to be going with the idea of purely positive training...so perhaps they are stating that general run obedience, eg check chains and balanced training etc, is cruel compaired to what they agree with and so intend to run with that ideal?

I used to think they were cruel until I started training at my club. Yes they -can- be cruel, if used incorrectly by idiots who lose their tempers! But if used properly, I don't believe they are.

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Could be linked with the RSPCA dislike of check chains as well...they don't believe in the use of check chains and consider them cruel etc. They also seem to be going with the idea of purely positive training...so perhaps they are stating that general run obedience, eg check chains and balanced training etc, is cruel compaired to what they agree with and so intend to run with that ideal?

I used to think they were cruel until I started training at my club. Yes they -can- be cruel, if used incorrectly by idiots who lose their tempers! But if used properly, I don't believe they are.

Funny you should say that. I trained my little girl originally with a check chain and blamed a shy period on the chain. As a result my little boy had never had a check chain near him until last week, but went through a shy period about 400 times worse than the girl did.

At nine months Xena (girl) was WAY more dependable than CK is, but different dog granted. I got sick of fighting with them about putting their halti on last week and decided to give the check chains a go again. Now come walk time instead of having to work hard to get them to come to me I have two dogs that run up and sit in front of me with their heads in the air. Not to mention two dogs that heel almost perfectly, even being walked together. If anything it has increased CK's focus on me as well.

I totally agree about check chains and idiots though - there was guy in my obedience classes with a dobe he used to jerk around dreadfully on the chain - the instructors even had to pull him up a few times because he got WAY too carried away with correction.

I'll be continuing to use mine.

For the record CK started his obedience training at the RSPCA and is pretty good at nine months, but the last week has seen a big change in him (apart from losing his boy bits :rofl: ) and at obedience (club, not RSPCA) on Monday night he put in his best performance yet.

Moral - if it works and the dog likes it then it can't be cruel.......can it.....???

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