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What To Walk This Dog On?


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The dog is a dobermann. The dog has Wobblers (for those that dont know - a degenerative condition of a spine, majority of time in the neck region, leading to the paralysis of all legs).

The owner has been advised to walk the dog on a harness but the dog is a puller. The dog has previously been walked on a check chain.

I thought a prong would be ok, but apparently the recommendation is harness only.

Will those funny looking harnesses with thin cords under arms that prevent pulling be ok? Im not sure what are they called and how they work.

Any advice experts?

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I'm no expert Myzska but I'd be trying a Sporn harness on the dog. They're the funny looking ones you're describing. From a chiropratic perspective, they're pretty benign. Did the vet give any brand recommendations?

Edited by poodlefan
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A wild boxer at obedience has a sporn harness, but they switch to a normal collar for class, leaving harness on. He's still a puller, despite harness, but I've heard other DOLers say good things about the Sporn. Perhaps worth a try? They go under the armpits and are a different fit to the average harness. Perhaps they should run it by the vet b4 buying? I've read that ordinary harnesses can encourage a puller.


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I dont know PF. All I know that the owner was told to use a harness, and no collar whatsoever to remove any pressure on the neck vertebrae. Mind you I think that the person would have been a bit overwhelmed with the info about what to do and what not to do with the dog to even contemplate asking what brand of a harness to use.

Edited by myszka
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I've not had much to do with sporn harnesses but they apparently put pressure on the nerves in the front legs when the dog pulls. Since the dog has wobblers which will lead to paralysis in the legs anyways, I think maybe the vet should be consulted....Who knows, perhaps it will just make the sporn more effective for this particular dog? But a little caution won't go astray incase there is the possibility that the sporn could speed up the leg paralysis.

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The Vets down here in Vic who dealt with it regularly only ever recommended prong as there is no large amount pressure at any one point when the prong is on the dog.

You might like to PM kimjm, she would be the expert in this case, being a Vet Nurse who is also an Animal Physiotherapist Assistant. :laugh:


Edited by Staff'n'Toller
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If walking the dog is a problem (ie doesn't respond reliably to whichever equipment choice) ..... have you thought about a combo with e-collar training?

ETA: That way the handler will be relying on low stim to direct preferred behaviour, rather than on the more restraining type equipment itself.

Edited by Erny
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Why don't they just use a normal harness? :laugh: I don't think they will be taking the dog for long walks with wobblers. I would imagine they just need something to take the dog to the vet, etc.

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The dog isnt that bad, still needs excercise to keep the muscles up, they have been adviced to keep the excercise up, controlled non invasive, none of the crazy running etc.

Tank you all for the suggestions, certainly enought ideas there to work with.

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Halti has a dog harness with a loop on the front to connect the lead to. theres a ridgeback at our training who has one and is quite effective. no pressure put on nerves so this could be a good product for the dog.


also from halti the lupi harness. but i haven't had any experience with this one although it says "gentle on dogs with spinal injuries"


good luck i'm sure you'll find an appropriate product :laugh:

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I use a sporn harness- if that is the one with the thin cords? Grover walks very well in it- he can have no pressure in the neck area at all. He was a puller but the harness (and persevering with training) has stopped him. They work well for me anyway.

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