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Sick Pei


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I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and I really hope the suspense and the illness are gone very soon. Which vet are you using? PM me if you don't want to shout it out? Just curiosity cos I know you're near me.

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Sounds like a tummy buggy thing. My Maltese picks them up all the time. Not fun coz he sleeps in my bed :laugh: So I have to put him in the laundry while he is sick which makes him fret so he loses even more weight.

The fact that one of your babies got ill and then the other says to me it is a viral infection. They can get viral rashes too. I know how to handle Max now when he gets them, he gets at least one a year, I don't know why. My Vet calls him 'tummy bug' :confused:

I just make sure he has little bits of fluid often, electrolytes and when his vomitting stops he has small amounts of chicken and white rice.

Hope the two babies are better soon.

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I put them both on boiled chicken and rice as soon as Jewel got sick, but the rice makes them vomit worse

I have been giving electrolytes and vitamin c as advised by naturalpath working with my vet

All they can eat and keep down is boiled lamb mince with zuchinni, carrot and pumpkin anything else makes them worse

I gave them both some Yakult last night and they slept better and not vomiting

I get the stomach results back tomorrow

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I hope you get some sort of answer, but often these tummy things can be difficult to work out. When my two got sick, we suspected poisoning/baiting as their livers were affected, but there was never any evidence as to what it was. The old dog was quite sick and on a drip for 3 days. Younger dog recovered much quicker with medication, even though his blood tests came back worse than the old dog's.

My vet actually said you often never know the cause, just treat the symptoms and get the dog well with supportive measures.

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I would like to know what it is but maybe you are right and I will never find out

I just want them to get better, Jewel is now on day 11 and Zephyr on day 3, it is going on too long

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Probiotic capsules always help Raf during a flare up so I would keep them on the yakult for awhile. Could you try them on some natural yogurt or cottage cheese? Easy to digest and has a little bit of fat to help with weight. If Jewel has a belly rash would some antihistamine help? Antihistamine has a positive effect on Raf with the digestion - sort of keeps the allergies and whole system in check.

Fingers and paws crossed at this end peibe. You must be really stressed to see them both so unwell :thumbsup:

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Jewel is on antihistamines for her rash now, I will try some cottage cheese and yogurt, but not for Jewel as she gains weight too fast. I want to keep her where she is at now

Thanks peigirl, it is stressful, but they will be OK

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Thanks lic

Thought it might be a spider bite, but both of them?

They are improving, got up and about this morning, not as cold, their temps are back to normal and they both ate dinner 2 nights in a row and kept it down. Still have runny poo, but that it getting better too

The only good thing to come of this and as horrible as it sounds but I have been able to get Jewels weight off LOL, hopefully I can keep it off

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The tests... did the vet specifically test for E-Coli??

Any rats around your place Peibe?

Are Jewel and Zephyr related at all?? FSF could be worth looking into... onset at the same time could merely be coincidental.

Edited by Cordelia
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Jewel and Zephyr are from totally different breeding lines

and yes you are right Jacq, both had E-Coli, and we live on the back of a drain, and they have been chasing rats?

They are both almost back to normal, Jewel got it worse than Zeph but that is because she has FSF.

There is no specific test for FSF though

Glad I have my babies back. I have not been walking them in case they where contagious

Thanks everyone for listening

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Anything is possible regarding sewerage

We had some bad flooding almost 2 months ago

Originally Jewels stools tested negetive for E-Coli, when all tests where run and nothing came back the vet decided to re-run some test

Zephyr came back positive for E-Coli, so he tested Jewel again and she was positive this time

I had them at a friends property 3 weeks ago so it is possible they picked it up from the Cattle up there too

The Vet told me he has had alot of dogs in the clinic since the floods with gastro bugs, he believes Jewel and Zephyr had a gastro bug and doubled with the E-Coli made them sicker

I am just glad they are getting better, gives my wallet time to recover too

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