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Sick Pei


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10 days ago my girl Jewel went off her food, very unusual, then she started vomiting and had the runs. She is off colour, white gums, not herself at all

Trip to the vet, protein in urine etc but no real results from blood tests other than it appears she has the start of amolysis (sp) and we will monitor it

Vet thought she has the start of Irritable Bowel and we started a elimination diet etc

She has not improved other than keeping small amounts of boiled Lamb down, cannot handle chicken, rice or any vegetables

Thought we had her on the mend and then my boy came down with the vomiting runny poo bug yesterday

Both dogs are fully vaccinated, have both had blood tests testing for everything

Nothing shows up on either

They are both at the vets today having a barriermeal (sp) and faeces samples

Diet has not changed, living in this house for 6 months, nothing any different

Anyone got any ideas?

Edited by peibe
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No water changes, no

I change their water daily and buy the big 10 litres bottles from the spring water company, the dogs drink it too LOL after the floods in the Hunter

The vet is at a loss, thinks could be gastro bug but not responding to antibotics, he is coming to my home this afternoon to look at my plants etc

Thanks KK

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Hi Peibe,

So sorry to hear that your Pei's are not well.

A client of mine had a similar scenario and the dog was drinking from some stagnant water in a pot in the garden. Resolved with vet visit and antibiotics. Hope they are better soon.

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I thought that might be the case aswell, but I am particular about water being left around as both my kids have a servere allergy to mozzies

The only water is from 2 old casserole bowls, one outside under the verandah and one inside the sunroom

I hope they get better soon too, cleaning up runny poo and vomit is not fun for either of us LOL

I knew they were sick before they displayed symtoms as their tail went down

Jewel has now lost 5.6kg (she was a fatty so she looks healthy now) but Zephyr has lost 1.5 kg in 36 hours

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Just a thought, could there be a leaking septic tank or sewerage pipes? If you've had heavy rains could be washed along from anywhere.

Both my dogs came down with something a couple of years ago, made their liver enzymes go sky high, along with vomiting and diarrhea. The septic tank thing was something the vet asked. We never found out what caused it but they were very sick.

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Just a thought, could there be a leaking septic tank or sewerage pipes? If you've had heavy rains could be washed along from anywhere.

Both my dogs came down with something a couple of years ago, made their liver enzymes go sky high, along with vomiting and diarrhea. The septic tank thing was something the vet asked. We never found out what caused it but they were very sick.

No septic tanks in my area, both their liver enzymes are high though, liver and kidneys are not operating right. The sewarage did leak?

Hi Peibe,

With both dogs having it - seems it is either a contagious gastro bug or possibly some type of food poisoning? Have they eaten anything different or have you been to a new supplier?

I am fussy with what they eat, nothing that neither of them have had before, food poisoning was a thought (I have a very nasty neighbour) but after talking to his wife yesterday, he has been away on work for 2 weeks.

Nothing is coming up in their blood work

No potting mix that they might have gotten into? That can sometimes cause problems because of the mold and fungi that inhabit it?

Good thought, but I am careful with potting mix after someone's dog on DOL died as result of potting mix

This has me stupped, :)

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I just cannot work it out but thanks everyone for your thoughts

Maybe the barriermeal (sp) and faeces samples will show up what is wrong?

I am starting to get really worried though, neither want to go for a walk, neither are interested in playing and when I got up this morning Jewel did not get up off her bed, just looked at me and wagged her tail, Zephyr pulled himself to his feet and followed me with his head down, he normally jumps around like a flip

Fingers crossed we can find out what it is soon, or get some antibiotics to kill it

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Thanks KK

Spoke to the vet a little while ago, the faeces samples show nothing, the stomach tests will be back in 2 days

He has them both on a drip as they are dehydrated

I just wish I knew what was wrong, to have them both sick is worrying, I am starting to think someone has done something to them deliberately

Is there a a poison or something that someone could give a dog that would make them ill like this but not show up in blood tests?

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Fingers crossed peibe that they find out what this is real soon. Does sound like they have ingested something that has made them sick, hope it shows up in tests. Good luck and healing vibes to both of them :)

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Hi Peibe,

Your dogs will more than likely pick up once rehydrated.

I once fed a smoked bone from the pet shop (when I was naive in these matters) and my dog had severe gastro and was on a drip for days.

Two more thoughts, rat poison or snail pellets?

ETA Hope they are on the mend.

Edited by schnauzer
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Thanks everyone

Jewel and Zephyr are both fighters, they will be fine, it is just finding out what is happening now

I asked the vet about rat poison and snail pellets and he said the symtoms are not servere enough, then I asked what about small doses and he said no

But keep the ideas coming, I need to find out what this is

When it was just Jewel sick it was not as bad, but I think she has given him whatever she has, not that they have both eaten something.

I have had them tested for parvo, even though the smell of their droppings is not the same as parvo just to be sure

Jewel also has a rash on her stomach, like hot spots but alittle different does that give anyone an idea?

This is Jewels second time on the drip, she spent the day at the vets last Wednesday, picked up a bit and then went down hill again on Saturday

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Oh no, poor Pei! :)

The rash makes me think she's come into contact with something she's allergic to, might be related or something separate. Did the vet check out your plants yet?

Did you say the sewerage leaked, into your yard? Could they have been eating dirt that's been soaked by the sewerage and picked something up that way?

Hope they're back to their normal selves soon :rofl:

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We thought the gastro that she had might be caused by something she came into contact with, really we where just throwing ideas around as nothing that would leed to gastro showed up in the bloods, but it did show her kidneys and liver are not working properly, which leads the vet to think she has the start of FSF

Initially we thought the rash was a syptom, but now that Zeph is sick vet thinks they are unrelated issues

He has the exact same illness as her except his kidneys are fine, his liver is out though, and he has no rash. But hers came up on day 6 of illness

Sewerage did leak everywhere during the floods but that was 8/6/2007 so too far away?

And shek, they are Pei, LOL they do not eat dirt, or walk on dirt, dig or get dirty LOL

I promise that when they are both better they will not get in trouble ever again for stealing the toilet paper, tissues, kids homework, my books or any other peice of paper that is left lying around

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