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The recipe I have for satin balls asks for

400g jar wheatgerm

Ok i can find this in the cereal aisle but not in a jar.

Can you get liquid wheatgerm?

Where from?

For that recipe I use about a cup of wheatgerm. You can use the one you find in the cereal aisle for it.

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Yep, I just used the cereal from the supermarket as well :laugh:

I seem to remember that I upped the liquid content a little to accommodate the dryness of the wheatgerm :D

As pup has put on 3kgs, I'd be slowing the fat intake down a little :rofl: Don't try and get his full proper weight too quickly - he sounds like he's putting on the weight nicely and a giant leap in weight could take it's toll on his young bones. Not lecturing you, as it's so exciting that he's now eating but just take it nice and easy :laugh:

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