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Heeling Warmup This Morning (vid)


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I am looking forward to a get together soon too. It certainly has been a while.

We should go to the FOO meets at KCC Park when they start in October too! There are heaps of top trainers there to steal some ideas from :o

Thanks to everyone for their comments, and Leo, I do plan to trial soon, maybe Northern. It has been exactly one year since his first obedience lesson, so I definately should get a move on, just like to iron out one or two minor problems.

I am scared that I will learn something important at the Gina O'Keefe workshop that might benefit us in the ring, and it will be all too late. :laugh:

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Yes Ness, certainly looking forward to it.

I think most of my problem is that I have had a dog that got his cd with scores all over 194 and a B.I.T,

and although Oscar has more drive, he is still not quite up at the same level of reliability when you compare them across the board. To enter with the possibility of an NQ would be a disappointment.

It wouldn't be the end of the world either, but I think the older I get, the more patience I seem to have, so I am prepared to wait a little longer if I think necessary. We are still in the Open trialling class at club, so its not as if we are stagnant or anything. He just turned 2 a couple of weeks ago.

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Yes Ness, certainly looking forward to it.

I think most of my problem is that I have had a dog that got his cd with scores all over 194 and a B.I.T,

and although Oscar has more drive, he is still not quite up at the same level of reliability when you compare them across the board. To enter with the possibility of an NQ would be a disappointment.

It wouldn't be the end of the world either, but I think the older I get, the more patience I seem to have, so I am prepared to wait a little longer if I think necessary. We are still in the Open trialling class at club, so its not as if we are stagnant or anything. He just turned 2 a couple of weeks ago.

Cute as a button. Dog looks so happy. I loved watching the clip. Thanks.

Remember - try to think like a dog. Dogs are experts as reading our bodies...........try to give body movement (legs, arms, hands, shoulders -signs in turns, stopping etc.

What is he like with distractions? Adored the tail.

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Thanks for the tips. He is quite good around distractions generally, although can be a little too dog friendly, which can on occasion be a problem during out of sight stays, mainly down stay for some reason.

It has been his bogey exercise from the start though, and we have made big improvements since going into the Open class, which is making him hold longer. I am gaining more confidence every week with the stays.

I have never trained one that was prone to breaking before, I think he has taught me an extra trick or two.

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