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Meeting Cats

johnny harmonica

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Gday all,

Apologies if this has been previously discussed but I did a quick search and did not find any relevant threads.

I took my 12 week old puppy in for her second vaccination today and forgot to ask the vet about introducing puppies to their feline counterparts. I am referring to the possible transmission of diseases etc not behavioural issues. Are their any specific diseases which puppies can catch from cats and is it advisable to wait until after the third vaccination to start introducing the two?


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I think it should be fine. I'd be more worried about the cat attacking the puppy than possible diseases that might be caught.

It's probably best to introduce them now while the pup is still in the 'critical period' of learning.

On the disease front though, the only one I can think of is ringworm, I think most dogs originally catch this from cats. However, ringworm isn't really anything too major to worry about. I'm sure there are more diseases, but I think your pup is much less likely to catch anything from a healthy cat than another dog.

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