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Rip Strange Doggy......


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Yesturday driving home from the shops, on my country road, I passed a red faced annoyed women whistling and calling. I slowed figuring there was a cheeky naughty dog running about somewhere.

Sure enough around the bend a boxer ran out from a property dragging his lead. He ran passed my very slow moving car and stopped in front of the car. I stopped to get out and grab him.....before he ran off again.

When he suddenly dropped to the ground as if scratching his back and then collapsed in a heap.

Unfortunately he was gone before the owner managed to run up to us. I explained what happened and assuring her that I didn't hit him. I found out he was 8yo and had been out for his daily jog, which he apparantly loved!

I guess his heart just gave out......

So sorry that you went little man......but at least you were doing what you loved and were happy.



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