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Prong Collars


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My mate has a dog that pulls really hard hed tried everything but nothing worked so because Ive heard them recomended on her I told him to try a prong collar. He didnt want to at first but I got him to have a look at all the posts on DOL and he did some more research and stuff on the net and he ended up buying one. Anyway it worked really good and the dog stopped pulling almost straight away and he was real pleased with it. Then one day he was out walking the dog and it had stopped to have a sniff so he gave a bit of a tug on the lead and the collar just dropped off on the ground. He freaked of course coz even though his dogs good off lead and doesnt run off or anything he was walking along a busy road and if the dog had happened to go on the road hedve been hit no worries.

Anyway he thought that he probably hadnt fastened it properly when he put it on, maybe didnt put both bits through the holes just one or something like that. But since then its happened twice, once when he was jogging with the dog and he turned a corner, there was just a bit of light pressure on the lead and it fell off and once he was leaving his house and the dog pulled just a bit to get out of the gate and it fell off again. Now after the first time it came off hes always made sure that its on properly and he always checks that all the links are secure. We actually put the collar on my mates leg and really pulled it hard and yanked it and tugged it but it didnt come off and when you look at it I dont see HOW it can come off, looks real secure to me. But the fact remains that it DOES come off, it seems to come off when there isn't much pressure on it not when you give a correction.

Now is this possible or has he got a substandard defective collar, its not a cheap one, cost him over 100 bucks all up with postage. If it is possible, what can he do to make it secure, does he need two collars and two leads or what? Ive never heard anyone on DOL complain about this happening and I did a search but nothing came up so thought Id better make a topic, my mates stopped using the collar coz hes afraid itll come off when hes walking along the highway and his dog will go under a car or something.

Thanks for your help guys.

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I bought a prong collar from Steve at K9 for Fly. Hers continually came off and eventually when she was off lead she came back without it one day. (i blame the cat that was hanging off her head)

No idea how it happens as it was fitted and everything.

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I bought a prong collar from Steve at K9 for Fly. Hers continually came off and eventually when she was off lead she came back without it one day. (i blame the cat that was hanging off her head)

No idea how it happens as it was fitted and everything.

ETA it was scary when it did come off when I was walking her, but she stopped straight away.

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Yes, they can and do fall apart sometimes which is why a lot of the information on prong collars out there always recommends a backup collar as well.

It only seems to happen when there's no pressure on them, especially when they loosen up after a bit of use. It makes sense that if you can pull all the links apart yourself then at a certain angle they can pull apart on their own.

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We have two prong collars - one for each dog.

Kira's came off once and I just made the assumption that I hadn't put it on properly. After it happened again I examined every link in the collar and on one of the links the prongs were at a slightly different angle than the others. After playing with it for a bit I could see how it was coming off. I just got a pair of pliers and bent the prongs on that link back. It's never come off again since.

We've never had a problem with Indy's.

Edited by Malamum
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Yes, they can and do fall apart sometimes which is why a lot of the information on prong collars out there always recommends a backup collar as well.

Doesn't having a second collar interfere with the action of the prong?

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Yes, they can and do fall apart sometimes which is why a lot of the information on prong collars out there always recommends a backup collar as well.

Doesn't having a second collar interfere with the action of the prong?

You can use a connector, Blackdog Wear have them or just use a choke chain with the prong and connect the lead to both.

Of course since I'm in Victoria I wouldn't use a prong because they're illegal here :thumbsup: I've actually given my prong collar to someone else who is also in Vic so he wouldn't use it either :thumbsup: His dog has some lovely bandanas too. They look so cute on big dogs.

However if I was in another state, even though I don't like choke chains I would use one as a backup for the prong....saves buying a connector and the dog is safe if the prong does come undone.

edited to change the word collar to chain.

Edited by cavNrott
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Back in those days when Victoria could use them :wink:, I haven't had it occur to me (or to anyone when I've been around them) but I too have seen, read and heard the recommendations of having a fail safe to a 'back up' collar just in case. Leerberg puts out a DVD where he (ie Ed Frawley) demonstrates that the prong can come away - although he was working a strong dog and gave a fairly strong correction when this did occur.

In the absence of a "fail safe" I often use a check chain as a head collar 'back up' but in those cases I fit a chain that is longer than would normally be required or recommended - this way the check chain will not activate by the mere use of the lead on the head collar and will only come into action in the event of head collar failure.

I've not used a check chain as a back up for a prong - the chain part of the prong (where you attach the lead) should be fitting high up on the dog's neck and I usually fit it so that it is slightly off centre - towards the right of the dog. I'm not sure if the check chain would manage to interfere with the operational use of the prong.

Visually speaking, I have noticed that prong-collars don't seem to be of the same thickness of metal as they used to be. I'm not suggesting they aren't as strong, but looking at them by comparison they don't appear to be. Don't know if this has anything to do with it?

Aside from the possibility of a bent prong (as mentioned by another poster above) I'm also wondering if your friend has the prong fitted correctly. It should be firm - certainly not loose. If it is loose I can see where the prong could work itself loose from its link-mate and come away.

Edited by Erny
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I've not used a check chain as a back up for a prong - the chain part of the prong (where you attach the lead) should be fitting high up on the dog's neck and I usually fit it so that it is slightly off centre - towards the right of the dog. I'm not sure if the check chain would manage to interfere with the operational use of the prong.

That's exactly the way I fitted a prong...when it was legal here. The check chain is a good backup as long as there is enough length in it, as you mentioned. A longer check chain hangs loose further down the neck. It doesn't interfere with the operation of the prong but I imagine it would if it wasn't long enough.

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They are not illegal in NSW (well, nobody can find ANY legislation on them anyway), but I have received negative comments about using a prong in the past. Having Kaos wear a bandana with the prong seems to do two things - nobody seems to notice the prong, and people actively comment on the bandana, I think it must make him look more approachable as some people can be scared of black and tan dogs.

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They are not illegal in NSW (well, nobody can find ANY legislation on them anyway), but I have received negative comments about using a prong in the past. Having Kaos wear a bandana with the prong seems to do two things - nobody seems to notice the prong, and people actively comment on the bandana, I think it must make him look more approachable as some people can be scared of black and tan dogs.

Thanks Kavik. I was beginning to wonder if there'd been changes to NSW legislation that I was unaware of.

Yes - I can well imagine how a bandana could help bring an asthetic air of 'friendliness' to a dog breed otherwise perceived as unfriendly.

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People are always commenting on Kaos's range of bandanas too :thumbsup:

Do NSW have bandanas too?

I never have used a bandana on mine, but have had people comment on how pretty the prong is! :thumbsup: They dont seem to see the prongs, but just the patten of the steel!

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I imported a prong from the states the other week for $35 AUD

Made it through customs no worries.

I had no use for it, just wanted ot see if i could get it into the country :thumbsup:

I sold it to another DOLer

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I got mine much the same way Sway - got it for less then half the price then i could in Aus. Found a supplier in QLD tho so will have to check out his prices for one more prong.

I have only had one of my prongs come undone but that was only because i hadn't put it on quite correctly - so it was user error :thumbsup:

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