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Please Help I'm Going Nuts.

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My Bordeaux is 4 yrs old, and she'll still chew stuff if it's left in a spot where she can get to it. Just last week she chewed my dustpan and brush - and my OH's shoes a few weeks ago - both were left outside where she can get to them.

Anything we don't want chewed, we don't leave in a spot to get chewed.

We have a Rotti pup inside at the moment, our house is a maze of baby gates to keep her in places where she can't do any damage to herself or to other things. When we're not home, she is put in her crate. She loves her crate, and will put herself to bed of a night in there (even when the crate door is open). Our bordeaux will sleep in the crate outside (we leave it outside with the doors open and she stays in there more often than not).

Crates are not cruel by any means. My OH actually hated the idea of crating before I bought one - and now he ordered himself another one for the car and doesn't know how we ever did without them.

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