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Stopping Four Dogs From Pulling


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Hi evryone,

So my dilemmas are-

Our dogs are very strong pullers on our walks.I hold 2 and my OH holds the other 2.Even just getting out the front door and gate proves very tricky as I have to try not to get dragged down the front stairs. Inside the house I've now started training them not to go out doors before me and it's been quite effective so I will be training them at the front door too.

I'm just not sure if I should train all four dogs at the same time or do them separately?

What works better?

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Umm... currently not really doing anything (my bad :rofl: )

We use sporn halters on them which helps and if they pull to much OH usually yanks the lead and swears at them(not the best training method I know :D )

I've been watching the way Cesar Millan(not sure if your familiar with) trains them to stop pulling and to me it seems like the way best for my dogs to learn so I will be doing it that way

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Hi Luvabull,

I don't know how Ceasar Milan tackles the issue but I'd advise you to do it separately.. at least at first. You can't get your timing right with four dogs and timing is important in resolving the issue.

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Hi Luvabull,

I don't know how Ceasar Milan tackles the issue but I'd advise you to do it separately.. at least at first. You can't get your timing right with four dogs and timing is important in resolving the issue.

Thanks poodlefan.

Since I only hold two dogs at a time do you think it could be done with two at a time, say using a training lead?

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As poodlefan has said it would be best if you could train the dogs individually at first as it would be easier for you to discourage the undesired behaviour.

We use sporn halters on them which helps and if they pull to much OH usually yanks the lead and swears at them(not the best training method I know rolleyes.gif )

Sporn Halters are good at restraining dogs but you need to work out an appropiate training plan with your OH.

I am also not sure of Cesar Milans method but aslong as you and your OH are consistent with your rewards and corrections you will start to see improvement quite quickly.

Since I only hold two dogs at a time do you think it could be done with two at a time, say using a training lead?

It can be done but it is harder to correct and reward both dogs, especially if one is behaving and one is pulling.

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Have the same problem with my two GSDs pulling - keep hoping they'll stop when they are together because individually they are ok. But together - their brains seem to get lost on the breeze or something.

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As poodlefan has said it would be best if you could train the dogs individually at first as it would be easier for you to discourage the undesired behaviour.
We use sporn halters on them which helps and if they pull to much OH usually yanks the lead and swears at them(not the best training method I know rolleyes.gif )

Sporn Halters are good at restraining dogs but you need to work out an appropiate training plan with your OH.

I am also not sure of Cesar Milans method but aslong as you and your OH are consistent with your rewards and corrections you will start to see improvement quite quickly.

Since I only hold two dogs at a time do you think it could be done with two at a time, say using a training lead?

It can be done but it is harder to correct and reward both dogs, especially if one is behaving and one is pulling.

Thanks for your advice Jeff :D

If only it happened overnight :rofl: but I will try be really persistent with it :eek:

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Have the same problem with my two GSDs pulling - keep hoping they'll stop when they are together because individually they are ok. But together - their brains seem to get lost on the breeze or something.

That's what I was thinking about my lot

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If they were my dogs there is no way they would get to go down the stairs if they pulled, you could end up seriously injured and they wont be able to go on any walks.

The second they pull turn around and go back inside, don't worry if they don't get walked, they will quickly work it out. Right now they think pulling is getting them there faster, you need to teach them pulling ends the walk.

You will need to train one dog at a time, when they a 100% reliable at going down the stairs calmly you can try the two together.

Good luck.

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Teach them separately. If you walk them together, then it will be hard to correct one dog without confusing the other. E.g if you refuse to walk forward when a dog pulls on the leash, then if you are walking two dogs and one dog pulls and you stop walking, then the other dog that wasn't pulling when you stopped is going to be very confused about what you want.

Edited by Amhailte
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Train them by walking them separately - totally separately. You walk in one direction with one dog, and your OH in another direction with the other dog. You can arrange to meet up halfway if you like.

Walk the other two the next day and keep doing that until they improve.

I have found that all our dogs act up more when we try and walk two together. I don't know if they realise I'm more distracted or if they are feeding off each other or what it is. I do know that separate training gets progress. Plus if you're even vaguely worried about keeping up with your partner, you are more likely to allow the dog to pull. If you don't have any constraints like keeping up, you can train at your pace and concentrate on what you're doing.

Oddly enough, our dogs also behave better in the morning than in the evening. Again, I don't know if that's about their body clocks, or it's just the fact that I'm a morning person who works full time and usually I'm not as "on to it" in the evenings after work as I am in the mornings.

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Train them by walking them separately - totally separately. You walk in one direction with one dog, and your OH in another direction with the other dog. You can arrange to meet up halfway if you like.

Walk the other two the next day and keep doing that until they improve.

I have found that all our dogs act up more when we try and walk two together. I don't know if they realise I'm more distracted or if they are feeding off each other or what it is. I do know that separate training gets progress. Plus if you're even vaguely worried about keeping up with your partner, you are more likely to allow the dog to pull. If you don't have any constraints like keeping up, you can train at your pace and concentrate on what you're doing.

Oddly enough, our dogs also behave better in the morning than in the evening. Again, I don't know if that's about their body clocks, or it's just the fact that I'm a morning person who works full time and usually I'm not as "on to it" in the evenings after work as I am in the mornings.

Thanks Anita for your advice :worship:

Will definitely be doing them separately. As for the morning or night, I think with my dogs it doesn't really matter because as soon as we put their harnesses on they get all crazy but we usually wait about 20mins until they're calmer before we leave.I'm thinking of maybe buying a treadmill for them to release some of that anxious energy before going for a walk too.Might help with training :thumbsup:

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It's all about training, they need to learn self control. the more you walk them the fitter they will get, it wont change anything unless they are tired. They need to learn manners and self control. :thumbsup: Good behaviour gets what they want and that is the lessson they have missed (by your posts).

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It's all about training, they need to learn self control. the more you walk them the fitter they will get, it wont change anything unless they are tired. They need to learn manners and self control. :worship: Good behaviour gets what they want and that is the lessson they have missed (by your posts).

My OH is backing you up completely on your method Pax.My problem is I just have to not feel so sorry for them if they don't get a walk. I'm such a sucker for those puppy eyes :thumbsup:

So if they do pull us out and we end up dragging them back inside how long do we wait before trying it again? Hour or two, next day?

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Will definitely be doing them separately. As for the morning or night, I think with my dogs it doesn't really matter because as soon as we put their harnesses on they get all crazy but we usually wait about 20mins until they're calmer before we leave.I'm thinking of maybe buying a treadmill for them to release some of that anxious energy before going for a walk too.Might help with training :thanks:

I think a treadmill Is a great idea :thumbsup:

I've been looking into getting one for my overexcitable, overenergetic, never tires! girl :worship:

Good luck with the training, agree with doing them one at a time

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