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Advanced Obedience Training Books

Guest Piximatosis

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Guest Piximatosis

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for books that cover advanced obedience training.

I have a solid understanding of teaching basic "pet dog" obedience - loose leash walking, sit, drop, stay, stand - so am really after something that covers open and utility level exercises.

I HAD Morgan Spector's book Clicker Training for Obedience... I'll be damned if I know where it's gone though. Might have to buy myself another copy if nobody has recommendations of something better. :rolleyes:

Should add that I don't mind which methods the books cover - positive or not - as I tend to take what I need from the books and modify them for my own dogs anyway.

Suggest away!

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I like Sheila Booths 'Schultzund Obedience'. sp? because Myszka has my book.

You should find your Morgan Spector book, Do you know how much they are? I would be looking for it everywhere before buying another. :rolleyes:

Edited by PAX
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Guest Piximatosis

I HAVE looked for it everywhere!!! I have a feeling I loaned it to someone but can't remember who.

I really want to read it again though so I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get it anyway!

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Myszka has my book.

Holly Molly Wolly - I do :rolleyes: Not only yours but I also have my copy as well, got one for my Birthday as I liked it as well.

Great book.

I think its time to post yours back to you PAX, slap me for forgetting to do that earlier!!

Anyway Pixi - its a good book, talks about training in drive as well as gives detailed instructions on how to teach certain excercises and what to avoid.

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Holly Molly Wolly - I do :rolleyes: Not only yours but I also have my copy as well, got one for my Birthday as I liked it as well.

You are a greedy girl........two of the same book. :thumbsup:

Give it to me in Sydney, don't post it. :rolleyes:

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Hmm I could answer this but since PAX is habitating this thread I can't cos she doesn't speak to me anymore :rolleyes: , but for what its worth I love Morgan Spector to. :rolleyes:

ETA. Although I find guru emails much more useful now then any text book. I keep telling them I should just collate them all and we could have a 101 ways to teach Open and UD - especially gloves and scent :thumbsup: .

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Give it to me in Sydney, don't post it. :rolleyes:

Im going to put it in the car tonight and give it to you when I see you. How embarrasing........ than again if you needed it you would have told me to give it back :thumbsup:

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Hehehe she does luv me after all :rolleyes: . But I still think some of these Australian guru's should put out a book. Oh if you want an Open level one Gina O'Keefe's one is fantastic but I think she said she sold out. :thumbsup: .

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Fat lot of help you are then :thumbsup:

Explain... guru emails..?

:rolleyes: Well we gave you one recommedation didn't we. Gurus would be the likes of Gina O'Keefe, Sue Hogben, Sandi Gee (just to name a select few). I swear I could just publish there emails and like I said we would have enough to call it the 101 methods of teaching whatever obedience exercise you like.

ETA. If you want some fantastic training dvds the likes of Patty Ruzzo and Ted Turner are just brilliant.

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Guest Piximatosis

I have a couple of Leerburg DVDs which are pretty good too. Hmm.

Looks like I'll be buying Morgan Spector again :rolleyes:

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Ness, shall we take on a business venture of publishing the guru emails? :rolleyes:

If you attend one (or more like us addicted souls) of the gurus seminars they happily give you email support.

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Most people know I am a Diane Bauman fan (Beyond Basic Dog Training) Angus & Robertson $57

(ordered) Great trial tips and goes into each of the exercises in detail required for trialling. (Oldy but a goody and plenty to read)

I would be interested in a book from Gina O'Keefe if they exist? I suppose they will be available at her Geelong workshop Ness?

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Open and UD or just open PAX - or has she released another and NOT told her greatest fan club. Hmm I haven't even attended a seminar and I get guru treatment :thumbsup: . What comes of belonging to a few lists and being referred to as the list baby - they all love holding my hand and I am so appreciative of it.

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Guest Piximatosis

Thanks heaps guys!! Will have to look into those seminars even though I'm nowhere near Open level yet...

And thanks Lewis & Lyn - that's Magpie, she's a black downunder hooded spotted. Little old fart she is now too. :thumbsup:

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And thanks Lewis & Lyn - that's Magpie, she's a black downunder hooded spotted. Little old fart she is now too. :thumbsup:

Downunder hooded spot.. WOW,,..u breed her urself? Saddest part about the rats is thier lifespan.. I wld love to c more of ur babies!! My best rat was a rescue we names "butch" fat old man he was weighed a tonne!

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