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Vca Naming Conventions


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Hey guys,

I'm currently training my 5 year old Staffy in Obedience and he's getting close to trialing level..

What I want to ask is, when I register him with the VCA what kind of naming convention do I use? Whats the rules with it? My dog's name is Zach btw and he'll be an associate dog as I don't have papers for him.


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Yep, you can have 2 words but I cant remember how many letter.

My dogs name is Cooper, but registered as Sparkling Cooper. Many people will use their surname, but I wanted something a little different.

I know Cosmolo's dog is registered as "cosmopolitan", so it is up to you.

You will need to come up with a couple of names though just incase the one you want is taken.

eg. Zesty Zach, Zach Attack :D

Also, do this asap as the VCA are taking about 5 weeks to get the registrations done, and you obviously need this prior to entering.


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Yep, you can have 2 words but I cant remember how many letter.

My dogs name is Cooper, but registered as Sparkling Cooper. Many people will use their surname, but I wanted something a little different.

I know Cosmolo's dog is registered as "cosmopolitan", so it is up to you.

You will need to come up with a couple of names though just incase the one you want is taken.

eg. Zesty Zach, Zach Attack :D

Also, do this asap as the VCA are taking about 5 weeks to get the registrations done, and you obviously need this prior to entering.


Hey thanks for the info! I'll have to come up with something cool.. Luckily I'm not in any rush to join up, I'm still only in level 4 of my club and it's level 5 where we start learning to trial :)

Sparkling Cooper sounds cool btw!

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From the VCA AR form :- "Names of dogs submitted for registration shall not contain more than twenty (20) letters and consist of not more than two words."

Okay going to fill out the form...

I need ideas!

I'm thinking of also using Zachariah for his name.. Not sure.. But I need something cool to go infront or after it :rofl:


Hmm.. He's been with me since I was 16 and has always stuck by me.. Not like he had a choice but anyway! :( He's my first dog and I love him so much, he means so much to me.. So I want a name to reflect that hmm..

I like the idea of Sparkling! I'll have to think up something equally as cool :(

Edited by Kowai
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Some words that come to mind are:


Myamigo ( My Amigo)




It's hard. I took ages to decide what I wanted. My dad suggested Coopers Brewery, but I didn't think that was really appropriate :D

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