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Sore Eyes


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No, haven't been to the vet, because I didn't really notice until tonight.

His eyes, look a little better already since I bathed in the warm salty water. I will try the tea, or colloidal silver.

I was going to check tomorrow, and if they didn't look much better take him to the vet.

Where do I get the colloidal silver from?

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Hi Angelina

Try the strong cold tea first - it is very effective with conjunctivits in both humans and animals - and it's cheaper than colloidal silver.

You can get colloidal silver from any health food store and from most chemists. A small bottle will cost about $10 - it has a thousand uses so make sure you ask for a booklet or google it for more info.

I have used it for both eye and ear infections on my first goldie, it is great stuff.

Edited by Duncan+Dougal
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yes, it is very dusty at the back at the moment.

I have 3 dogs, and the other 2, have made themselves a running path, and it is quite dusty outside now. I can't water because of water restrictions (I ordered a rain tank some 2 months ago, but it hasn't arrived yet).

Anyhow, I bathed them this morning, and my son is home today, so will be home all day, so the little Moo can stay inside during the day today with him.

I'll check again tonight. They did look a little better this morning.

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Well, everybody I think it was dust. I have been bathing them twice a day, and they have improved a 100%.

I think its just him running behind the other 2 larger dogs, and them kicking dust in his face. Poor little boy.

Thanks for the tips though.

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