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Just wanted to get people's opinions on puppy barking.

Is there a time that they start, or is it just random?

My pup has only barked twice in the month i've had him.

Once at his reflection in the mirror and once at his pig's ear. Hehe.

Am I safe to assume he won't be a barker? Or is it something they start later or pick up the idea from other dogs?

At the moment my pup whinges and grunts for attention.

I'm not worried about it or anything, just curious. :)

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Ziggy didn't put forth his first bark until he was about 6 months old....nearly scared the daylights out of himself :) Never seen anything so funny in all my life! Now he only barks if someone comes to the front door or if he has been fast asleep and is disturbed by a loud noise....such as the cats knocking all the ornaments off the shelves as they chase each other :mad Oh, and I was doing some shaping training with the clicker the other day and he was getting frustrated at first because he tried all his known commands and I still wouldn't reward him....so he barked at me as if to say "You idiot!" It was very hard not to fall about laughing :birthday:

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Coda barks and carries on while he is playing, in this high pitched puppy voice. Drives us to distraction but its hard to get him to understand that I don't want him to stop playing, just to play quietly.

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Herwin hardly barked at all until he was about 4mths and now he barks all the time, at everything. If there is any vague movement out the window or small sound he starts barking. We're trying to get him to stop with "enough" and a water squirty but it's semi successful at best. I originally thought he was such a quiet dog. :rolleyes:

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Our two have decided that barking at possums is the way to go, especially trying to catch them. Jumping off the fences while barking is always funny to watch. The boy generally barks when he wants out of his run, usually when we get home from work but other than that we dont really hear him.

of course the girl barks at anything and everything, including the piece of fluff on the carpet, like its her worst enemy and barking at it will scare it away.

But then again they are only 9 months old, and the barking and grumbling occurs when they are playing with each other as well. The neighbours have mentioned that it sounds like world war 3 in our backyard when they are play fighting.

But wouldn't change it for the world :rolleyes:

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Our girl started barking at around 3 months, but not a peep from the boy. They are both now 6 months and the boy just started barking about 2 weeks ago.

They bark at the magpies and other dogs....and the post man. But the post man is more barks of "excitement". They want to play.

It is really funny when they first bark! They almost look around as if to say "Who did that??!"

How old is your pup?

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Hehe. I got Gaetana at age 13weeks and I thought she was the quietest little dog ever (until bedtime- then the bogies came out!)... It took her about 4 weeks to find her voice. The first time she did it was while out walking and we passed a questionable looking character and she let out this funny little woof. I was stoked!!!

Now she just does it to hear the sound of her own voice. She hates our neighbours (hey, HM and I hate them too, the noisy louts!) and will bark at them when they arrive/leave, but other than that, she'll only do it if she hears next door's dogs go off, or if she sees a dog she doesn't know.

My squirt gun has begun to come out now, as she doesn't respond to 'enough' reliably yet.

It is definitely working.

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I have Malamutes and they are ALWAYS voicing their opinions :hug:

My pup is also 13 weeks old and there is rarely a quiet time in the house, puppy sleep time is bliss! He doesn't bark but woo woos at everyone and everything, feed time especially gets the biggest response from him :thumbsup:

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Sargent didn't bark until he was about 5 months old. We were on a bush block at Nannup and a roo jumped across the way. He stood his ground and barked at it. :mad I didn't think that he was ever going to bark. Now Shuga has been very vocal from the day we got her.


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That's awesome. He's got such a great facial expression- really coy. As if he's wondering what his next move will be and if you'll be fast enough to catch him if it's naughty. Hehe

That is a scarily accurate description :mad

When you see that expression, you can also know some part of your body will be experiencing pain in the near future

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  • 1 month later...


He has known how to bark for ages, but today was the day before hard rubbish collection and all the neighbours were out in force, and my dog barked his head off at them!!

I took him outside to meet the neighbours, and he was barking at them while we were standing right near them. how embarrassing. he eventually shut up and got pats from them, but geez.

And then I caught him doing it again so I sprayed him with water. Then he started barking AT ME! He worked out that if he barked at me, he'd get sprayed with water, and he was turning it into a game! how annoying yet cute.

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I love hearing stories about Charlie, he sounds hilarious and full of character.

Our pup doesn't bark outside our gate; I think she thinks it's an inside/backyard thing. She mostly does it at us, when we get home from work, to let us know what a shitty thing we did to leave her at home. Lol. Indignant barking interspersed with staffy squeaks. Both neighbours work from home and apparently she doesn't do it during the day, which is a relief!

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