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Getting Desexed Today!

Lil Miss LeiLani

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Ours cost $155 for the op.

I went home yesterday just before lunch, so I was home with him. Last night, he was back to his normal self playing outside with his squeeky toys, and he started running around the table - so my bro-in-law went out to try to get him to stop running, but Zorro just wanted to play so as Jason was trying to stop him, Zorro kept running playing with Jason. I know we need to keep him quiet but god its hard !! We had him in the crate for most of the day, but yesterday we let him out and watched him while we were watching a movie, then when he started running around,we put him back in the crate. Swelling has gone down and looks like the stitches are going to heal nicely !

Thanks eveyrone for all your concern ! Will keep posting!

Poor thing - he is wearing an Elizabethan Collar - apparently he has to keep in on for a week !! He did the cutest thing last night, he was playing with his ball, and the ball was sitting in the collar - and just the way he looked up at us with the ball sitting next to his face ! Just priceless ! Didn't have time to get the camera out though unfortunately !

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I'm glad Zorro's coping so well. It is almost impossible to keep them quiet isn't it?

Herwin started off without a collar but started licking himself more and more so we had to take him back up to the vet to get one and have them check the wound. But we then discovered an hour or two later that if he squashed it just right he could still lick! So now we have the stress of the collar (he doesn't fit through his dog door so I have to get letting him in and out, and he can't play properly) and also the stress of stopping him fron licking. Should we just give up on the collar?

Hope Zorro does well today.

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Hey Mil - Zorro can still lick the area but he cant get close enuf to reach the stitches which is what the collar is for.

If Herwin can't reach the stitches enuf to be able to pull at them, then I would definately keep the collar. Licking is fine- as I always remembered my mum telling me that dogs' saliva is a great healing agent for cuts & wounds - so I let him lick - just not pull the stictches.

They are prob a bit itchy too where they would have been shaved.

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I'm so glad to hear that it's all gone well Christal :eek:

Jak is booked in to be desexed next Friday, mind you at my vet I've been quoted $245 for the desexing and $45 for the microchip. She will go in between 8.30 and 9.30 on Friday morning and they will actually keep her overnight, so I don't pick her up until Saturday morning. Maybe that's why it's costing more? Not sure.

I can't imagine trying to keep my little livewire from jumping... Time to borrow my sister's baby playpen I think!

Edited by Rhi & Jak
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Zorro was back in full swing last night playing with his toys & running around. We checked the stitches last night and all are still in place, and the swelling is continuing to go down. Even though he has been playing, he still seems fine ! Honestly, you can't keep a dog like him in his crate all day - thats not fair, a little bit of running in circles (not in the yard - in a smaller area) can't hurt too much.

Jak - that does seem like a top price - especially that Jak is only small so wouldn't even need as much anaestetic either. Must be the overnight cost that bumps it up. Wonder why he has to stay in overnight ? Did they say why they want to keep him in ? I could understand if they were only doing the op in the arvo, but Zorro went in at 11 or so and we could have picked him up anywhere from 4pm.

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  Rhi & Jak said:
I'm so glad to hear that it's all gone well Christal :eek:

Jak is booked in to be desexed next Friday, mind you at my vet I've been quoted $245 for the desexing and $45 for the microchip. She will go in between 8.30 and 9.30 on Friday morning and they will actually keep her overnight, so I don't pick her up until Saturday morning. Maybe that's why it's costing more? Not sure.

I can't imagine trying to keep my little livewire from jumping... Time to borrow my sister's baby playpen I think!

AWL clinics have very reasonable prices for desexing (around $130) and microchipping ($15).

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  Christal & Zorro said:
Zorro was back in full swing last night playing with his toys & running around. We checked the stitches last night and all are still in place, and the swelling is continuing to go down. Even though he has been playing, he still seems fine ! Honestly, you can't keep a dog like him in his crate all day - thats not fair, a little bit of running in circles (not in the yard - in a smaller area) can't hurt too much.

Jak - that does seem like a top price - especially that Jak is only small so wouldn't even need as much anaestetic either. Must be the overnight cost that bumps it up. Wonder why he has to stay in overnight ? Did they say why they want to keep him in ? I could understand if they were only doing the op in the arvo, but Zorro went in at 11 or so and we could have picked him up anywhere from 4pm.

They just mentioned that they like to keep them for an extra 12 hours afterwards, make sure they're doing ok etc. I'm ok with her being there overnight, I don't cope well when animals aren't themselves so picking her up the next morning is fine. Yeah I think that's what makes it cost more. Must be! lol.

I really like the vet and Jak likes going there too (that's where she did puppy pre-school so she has a good association with the place), so I don't really want to shop around and take her somewhere she doesn't know. I'll just pay it, heck if it was $500 I'd still pay it. :eek:

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The vet mentioned to us too that if zorro needed to, he could stay their overnight - but the surgeon said he recovered so quickly he would be fine to bring home - so we did !

I just can't wait for him to get the stitches out and the collar off so he can go back to normal !!

I'm the same as you Rhi - I would only take him to where he knows & the vets who know him. He did puppy preschool there too! And the vet is just lovely.

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  Christal & Zorro said:
The vet mentioned to us too that if zorro needed to, he could stay their overnight - but the surgeon said he recovered so quickly he would be fine to bring home - so we did !

I just can't wait for him to get the stitches out and the collar off so he can go back to normal !!

I'm the same as you Rhi - I would only take him to where he knows & the vets who know him. He did puppy preschool there too! And the vet is just lovely.

I agree that it's always the best to go to the vet you and your dog know. However some people decide not to desex their dogs because it's too expensive ( :eek: ), in which case it's good to know that there are cheaper options.

I am very lucky since the AWL clinic is very close to our place and it's been our vet from the beginning. They are really nice and don't mind me calling them whenever I have any questions.

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Everything will be fine.

I have booked my little girl in to have the opp in 6 weeks due to being in season now. I cant handle any more seasons with my St Bernard Boris now, hes a bloody horny teenager and not listening to me at all!!

Thank god shes a small Maltese and hes big or else we'd be in trouble!!

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  Rhi & Jak said:
They just mentioned that they like to keep them for an extra 12 hours afterwards, make sure they're doing ok etc. I'm ok with her being there overnight, I don't cope well when animals aren't themselves so picking her up the next morning is fine.

It might pay to ask if there will be anyone monitoring the dogs overnight at your vets. Most vets I know have no one in attendence overnight and so I'd much rather a groggy dog at home with supervision than at the vets alone all night. :)

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  molasseslass said:
  Rhi & Jak said:

They just mentioned that they like to keep them for an extra 12 hours afterwards, make sure they're doing ok etc. I'm ok with her being there overnight, I don't cope well when animals aren't themselves so picking her up the next morning is fine.

It might pay to ask if there will be anyone monitoring the dogs overnight at your vets. Most vets I know have no one in attendence overnight and so I'd much rather a groggy dog at home with supervision than at the vets alone all night. :)

yep, i know when Atlas was really sick they told me no onw would be there for the night, I took him home, they said if somethin goes wrong i wont know what to do, i told them if something goes wrong at least someone knows about it if he is with me

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  DistinctivelyTish said:
I'm not sure if anyone is aware of this, but in Victoria, you can get desexing vouchers from council. I believe it provides pet owners with a 33% reduction in the cost of desexing.


Wow that's alright! All my Council does is charge me a cheaper rate to register her. There's no vouchers or anything. I wish there were! :rolleyes:

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