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Border Collie Club Herding Trial

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Tia got her HT title. But we are giving herding away now, she sometimes does this sticky eyed thing where she just goes up to the sheep and stares at them. She did this on the 2nd day but luckily not in the two trials on the first day. As I don't have stock to practice on and get her out of this new habit we are giving it away.

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Tia got her HT title. But we are giving herding away now, she sometimes does this sticky eyed thing where she just goes up to the sheep and stares at them. She did this on the 2nd day but luckily not in the two trials on the first day. As I don't have stock to practice on and get her out of this new habit we are giving it away.

that is what we call eye which is what we all want in our dogs it enables you to settle the sheep better and have something to work with.

They are frustrating to train my little tri bitch was very sticky to the point I could walk up to her and nudge her with my foot and she would still not move. So i worked her on ducks where the dog needs to keep moving did this for 2 months then went back to Sheep and she is working very well now.

Where abouts are you Crush testdummy


Edited by fidelis Border Collies
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We are in Melbourne. Have found that she works better is a bigger paddock but they said she needs to work in a round yard to fix it. Tried her on ducks and she did the same thing. I can poke her and she will ignore me. A rake means nothing to her.

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We are in Melbourne. Have found that she works better is a bigger paddock but they said she needs to work in a round yard to fix it. Tried her on ducks and she did the same thing. I can poke her and she will ignore me. A rake means nothing to her.

Congrats on your HT title - was that last weekend? How did she go with Paul McPhail??

ETA: DOH! Forgot to say what I actually cam in to say!

CONGRATS TRACEY! What a great result :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Edited by leopuppy04
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We are in Melbourne. Have found that she works better is a bigger paddock but they said she needs to work in a round yard to fix it. Tried her on ducks and she did the same thing. I can poke her and she will ignore me. A rake means nothing to her.

Have you got some one close that can work another dog in with her on the ducks I reckon she is so much like Trim wish you were up this way i would see what i could do for you as i have been there. I bet she is very stylist too seems a shame to give up on her.

How did you get her to move for the HT then???


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ETA: DOH! Forgot to say what I actually cam in to say!

CONGRATS TRACEY! What a great result :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thanks Leopuppy I must admit I feel really good Tired but Good as you do when you have achieved something you have been working on


Tracey, glad I caught this thread. Lovely to read of your success, congrats. Great photos too.

Loved the intensity of good dogs, in my limited observation.

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Hey thats a great effort you must be so proud, i just spent the weekend at my first herding workshop and had an awesome time, can't wait for my next time on sheep, started all my 3 bc's and all thouroughly enjoyed it :thumbsup:

Where did you go for that??


Was held up at Gunalda which is just North of Gympie with Eric Tighe, who comes from Cunundra, i've been wanting to do it for ages but havn't had a weekend spare when others were on, i'm so glad i did.

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Hey CTD you should read Vergil Holland's Herding Dogs, it's got a little bit on "sticky" dogs. I got my copy from Borders at Highpoint.

Indi got her instinct certificate on Sunday which was pretty cool, I just need to calm her down A LOT.

If you've read Holland's book, Indi fits the traits of the "Keen Dog" to an absolute T :thumbsup: But geez she wears me out.

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Hey CTD you should read Vergil Holland's Herding Dogs, it's got a little bit on "sticky" dogs. I got my copy from Borders at Highpoint.

Indi got her instinct certificate on Sunday which was pretty cool, I just need to calm her down A LOT.

If you've read Holland's book, Indi fits the traits of the "Keen Dog" to an absolute T :eek: But geez she wears me out.

Indi dog Im reading that one at the moment, mollasseslass let me borrow it from her :thumbsup: . He's got lots of interesting stuff in there, I have really enjoyed reading about the "types", not sure that Jarrah fits into one though, possibly a cross between the keen dog & the talented (or maybe less talented :laugh: ) dog.

Congrats on your HIC :laugh: .

Edited by MrsD
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Thanks I'm pretty excited - take that those two people on the street who called my dog a "city slicker dog"!!!!!

I think Vergil says that dogs don't exactly fit into each category - they can be a little of this and a little of that. I've got my fingers crossed for a little bit of "talented dog" too!!! This book really explains a lot though, I like the detailed exercises and what to do when it doesn't work out :laugh:

We're gonna have a go at our HT in August - I'm working hard on calming her down before then as she can do it, and she has done the exercise in the yard before, she just has an attack of the sillies as soon as we enter the yard before she settles down and works. She actually cut my hands up on her leash trying to hold on to her (and believe it or not but it's a vast improvement from a few months ago :thumbsup: she actually pulled me over back then)

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Thanks I'm pretty excited - take that those two people on the street who called my dog a "city slicker dog"!!!!!

I think Vergil says that dogs don't exactly fit into each category - they can be a little of this and a little of that. I've got my fingers crossed for a little bit of "talented dog" too!!! This book really explains a lot though, I like the detailed exercises and what to do when it doesn't work out :eek:

We're gonna have a go at our HT in August - I'm working hard on calming her down before then as she can do it, and she has done the exercise in the yard before, she just has an attack of the sillies as soon as we enter the yard before she settles down and works. She actually cut my hands up on her leash trying to hold on to her (and believe it or not but it's a vast improvement from a few months ago :laugh: she actually pulled me over back then)

:laugh: I know what you mean, I have found the best thing for settling the dog is to get as much sheep time as you can, last week we worked sheep Mon, Wed, Thurs & Friday & it helped him no end, he sailed through his HT on the weekend & I got lots of nice comments on how well he worked. We were also lucky in that I started using him to move the sheep from paddock to yard & move them around in the yards during the week as well, it gave him alot of confidence & it was like he grew up in front of my eyes :eek: .

I know it's not always easy to get sheep time, but you need to beg, borrow or steal some from someone :thumbsup: .

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Some days she herds really well other days she will just get sticky eye. On her HT was her good day.

CTD first of all congratulations on your HT - and to you too Tracey for your multiple successes.

From looking at the clips she looks if anything too busy - if she is settling down and showing a lot of eye that would be more than welcome if she was mine.

When she is sticky eyed is she holding the stock to you? If so then that is good - if she is just holding them in space or to a fence and you are not in the picture, then you potentially have a problem.

Normally the way to cure it is to get the sheep moving and she should move with them - also keep yourself moving so she naturally balances to you. If those sheep won't move then see if you can work her on some that will. Nobody ever said herding was easy and to give up because of one hiccup would be a shame for both you and Tia.

We have just had a Bernard Arends workshop over here in WA and it was a real opener in terms of teaching me to let my dog Tex work rather than commanding him all the time - as long as he does not stress his stock. The tension is going out of his work and he is now quite happy to calmly hold sheep to me or bring them to me rather than bouncing around and stressing his stock. Still a way to go but we are on the right track and having a lot of fun with less now being more.

Hope this is some help


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Some days she herds really well other days she will just get sticky eye. On her HT was her good day. Here are some clips


Paul made a comment that she was an insecure little shit!!!!!

I think you have a hell of a lot to work with there she looks to be very young i wouldn't be writing her off yet.


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She holds them to a fence. Have found that she is better working in a larger area, but the lady who saw her problem said we have to work on it in a smaller area. Have found she works dogged sheep much better bringing them to me than the more feral ones, she will stare at. If she was having trouble in agility say with a tunnel I could work on it during the week and bring her up to speed, but with herding I don't have any sheep to practice on.

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