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Border Collie Club Herding Trial

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Well i am slowly recovering from a pretty hectic week and only just managing to get my head around all the things i need to do.

Just wanted to post we had a brillant trial this weekend gone and I was very pleased with my guys they did me proud.

I finished Lad's PT Title last weekend so was able to trial him for the first time this weekend and had him entered in Sheep and Ducks on A & B Course I tried him on ducks last week once and decided he wasn't going to kill any so why not put him in.

He did 2 lovely A Course runs on Sat but B Course I am not sure what happened with the dux but he couldn't see any sheep so was wondering why I was sending him out into the paddock although he nearly run over the ducks a few times. Sunday he did a much better Job on all four courses and Managed to Qualify on all four with 2 High in Trials on Sheep for the weekend with scores 97/100 & 94.5/100 and a Reserve High in Trial with Ducks on Sat with 94/100. I have only had Lad since end of March so i was very pleased with him.

Abigail also did me proud she has 9 Five week old puppies at home and I was in two minds weather to enter her or not but as she has never had any milk and the puppies have been on their own since 3 weeks I didn't think it would matter. She is out of condition so i only entered her on Ducks as there is not too much running needed with ducks so did 4 lovely ducks runs over the weekend getting 2 high in Trial on Ducks with Scores of 99/100 & 97/100, Both HIT were from HXBd Course. Her drives legs were perfect and every thing just worked on the day so i was very happy with her. So it was a family affair with Lad taking both HIT on Sheep and His Daughter taking both HIT Ducks awards. Abigail finihed her HXBd & HXAd Titles this weekend and Cybil finished her HXAd Title needing one more pass to finish her HIBd title.

So the girls are no

Fidelis Mad About Ewe HXAsd HXBd HIBs

Aust Ch Fidelis Moonlighting HXAsd HIBS HSBd

We also saw some lovely runs from Judy's Herbie, Reece's Tess, Robert's Willow, Sharon's Jez, and Debbie Williams GSD Sharmandra Fraucheska PT who run on Sheep and Ducks A Course (Not sure but I think this is the first for Australia a GSD Trialing on Ducks)well done Debbie keep up the good work.

All in all a brillant weekend I even had people come up to me and thank me for the sheep saying it was nice to see sheep that actually tested the dogs but not so much that the dogs couldn't work them.

I will post the full results later when i get some more free time


Fidelis Border Collies

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Congratulations on your wins on the weekend Tracey, your dogs worked really well, especially Abigail on the ducks, it was lovely to watch. :)

And I agree about the sheep, they tested the dogs but if the dogs did the right thing or you had enough control to put them in the right place, the sheep were exactly where you needed them to be. No point in getting a title using sheep that would follow you around the course whether you had a dog there or not :eek: , that doesnt prove your dog can "work" at all :rofl: .

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Congratulations on your wins on the weekend Tracey, your dogs worked really well, especially Abigail on the ducks, it was lovely to watch. :)

And I agree about the sheep, they tested the dogs but if the dogs did the right thing or you had enough control to put them in the right place, the sheep were exactly where you needed them to be. No point in getting a title using sheep that would follow you around the course whether you had a dog there or not :eek: , that doesnt prove your dog can "work" at all :rofl: .

Thanks Robyn

Also I am pleased with the progress Jarrah is making and I was very proud of Both him and yourself, Both of you have learnt heaps in the last month and I really feel as if I have made a difference. Looking forward to next year where you will be some competition for all the dogs that are trialing now. Actually saw some great novice dogs coming up thru the test levels this weekend with some real dedicated people handling them. Looks like herding in Qld is looking good


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Well Done Tracey to you & your gang, sounds like you had quite a weekend :) !

You can tell Laddie he can be proud of his offspring as well...while he was out there strutting his stuff on sheep & winning in herding, 3 of his pups earned 4 1st places in agility & 2 his grandpups earned another 2 1sts & a 2nd.

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Well Done Tracey to you & your gang, sounds like you had quite a weekend :) !

You can tell Laddie he can be proud of his offspring as well...while he was out there strutting his stuff on sheep & winning in herding, 3 of his pups earned 4 1st places in agility & 2 his grandpups earned another 2 1sts & a 2nd.

Thats great News Vicki he sure knows how to produce them doesn't he.

How he can produce such great Offspring from only 3 litters. I have a few matings planned for him next year so just hoping he can do the same.

He is such a nice boy, at the end of his A Course Sheep run yesterday when I had him hold the sheep off the gate for me so I could open the gate he was on a down and his tail was wagging so hard with a big smile on his face. I think that moment was the highlight of my weekend even better then Abigail's 99/100 HIT Score on Advanced B Course which was pretty special.


Edited by fidelis Border Collies
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Also I am pleased with the progress Jarrah is making and I was very proud of Both him and yourself, Both of you have learnt heaps in the last month and I really feel as if I have made a difference. Looking forward to next year where you will be some competition for all the dogs that are trialing now. Actually saw some great novice dogs coming up thru the test levels this weekend with some real dedicated people handling them. Looks like herding in Qld is looking good

Thanx, you are right, I have learnt heaps & yes, you have made a difference :thumbsup: . I knew I must have done OK in the test yesterday because when I came out, you smiled at me & said "great work" - it's not always easy to get a compliment like that off you :thumbsup: .

Im looking forward to next year as well, but most of all the State titles in September for my 1st run in Started with Jarrah, if I can get a qualifier there, I'll be over the moon :( .

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You can tell Laddie he can be proud of his offspring as well...while he was out there strutting his stuff on sheep & winning in herding, 3 of his pups earned 4 1st places in agility & 2 his grandpups earned another 2 1sts & a 2nd.

Congrats to them all - go team :thumbsup: .

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I've got 256 pics, mostly of your dogs it seems :thumbsup: , Abigail's B course duck run was hard, she was so quick it was almost over before you could even get it focused :thumbsup: . For the rest some are good ones, some are pretty ordinary, I'll bring you the CD on Thursday.

Here are a couple of Rebel



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OK, here are a couple more

Lad in his B course run on sheep


What about this one of Abigail?


ETA, Im just cutting bits out of bigger pics, the originals probably won't be as exciting :thumbsup: .

Edited by MrsD
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