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Parvo ?


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Can someone tell me .....

I am worried about Parvo although but think the bubba might have a dash of deli belly ..??? :rofl: I feed my dogs fresh food mixed in with kibble,and this was the pups first meal of it. Could it have been too much for her little belly?

Her poop has been dark and runny,..but she is not vomitting and is energetic..

Any ideas?

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When you get a new puppy it is always advisable to continue the breeder's feeding regime, any sudden change of diet may cause diarrhoea. If you want to change the puppy's diet intoduce the new food gradually adding a little each day over a week or so. I doubt that your puppy has parvo, the symptoms are much more severe and come on really quickly, however if the diarrhoea continues or the puppy starts vomiting or becomes listless and stops eating take her to the vet immediately.

If you revert to feeding the puppy what the breeder was feeding the diarrhoea will probably stop.

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She has now started WATERY poops!!!! Playful as ever though! Praying its not parvo. Have already contacted previous owner ...same kinds diet as im giving however she was givinh her chicken wheras i gave her beef. i will give her chick from now on!


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Very young pups can suffer dehydration if diarrhoea continues unchecked, try giving her cooked chicken breast and a little rice tonight and tomorrow morning. If she still has the runs tomorrow I'd take her to the vet.

ETA How old is this puppy?

Edited by Miranda
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she is 8 weeks old YESTERDAY...lol...

I will do exactly that with the chicken TY.. she ate soooo much yesterday and i guess its a big change.

Im not used to pups..havent had a puppy for over 15yrs and shes still with me.. i have adopted all my other staffies from rescue shelters already mature. I tend to go for the battered old dogs. lol

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I'm terrified any time a pup has runny pooh. In the dog rescue game the spectre of parvo is always looming in the background.

But it doesn't sound like anything to worry about.

Usually parvo dogs are depressed and really look ill.

Stick to the chicken, the new diet is probably too rich.

Chicken and rice only might be best for a day or two until she is back to normal. It's best to use chicken breast or bbq chicken as that will be easiest on her stomach. After that, just switch back to whatever the breeder was using.

Make sure she is drinking and doesn't get dehydrated but It sounds like she will be ok tomorrow.

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Thanx..she seems ok apart fromthe poop. Kids thnkim disgusting cause im thouroughly examining each poo :) ..i need snorkels ...pooooooooooo wat a stink!! last poop was half hard half runny so seems she may be on the mend. Fingers crossed

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My pup had this exact reaction to eating an egg. Runny poo and the associated sounds that accompany it... SHUDDER...but otherwise he was acting completely normal.

I put him on boiled chicken and brown rice and he was back to normal less than 24hrs later.

Don't want to feed it for too long though, the ricey poos are a pain to clean up... (but infinitely better than that runny poo smell :) )

My dog loved the rice and chicken. In fact - he gorged himself on it so much that he vomited :)

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OMG ..u have a JRT..r u all ok?

Im STILL recovering from owning one 4 years ago..PHEW! :)

Me? My pup is a tenterfield terrier - the white and tan ones look HEAPS like jackies when they are little :)

I've heard JRT's can be little terrors. I'm guessing yours was no exception? :) My dog is a little pain in the butt at times too though. I can't imagine having a pup that is more hypo that my current one - I think i'd need some valium to cope!

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OMG ..u have a JRT..r u all ok?

Im STILL recovering from owning one 4 years ago..PHEW! :)

Me? My pup is a tenterfield terrier - the white and tan ones look HEAPS like jackies when they are little :)

I've heard JRT's can be little terrors. I'm guessing yours was no exception? :) My dog is a little pain in the butt at times too though. I can't imagine having a pup that is more hypo that my current one - I think i'd need some valium to cope!

Beg my pardon.. My BAD! Ur dog id really cute !!!!!

My dog was no exception...SHESHHH! he wore us all out

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