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How Do You Do Pigs Ears, Hocks Etc


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Can't help you wth pigs ears but liver strips - have a go at this:

slice up some lamb or beef liver (I find it easier and less messy to just do bigger slices first and then chop into little bits) and put it into boiling water for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat oven up to 150.

Take liver out and drain on paper towel. Get a baking sheet and put baking paper on it. Cut liver into treat-sized pieces and put on baking sheet. Spray with oil - olive or canola (sometimes I keep spraying with vegemite & water as well as oil) and put in oven. Check after about 20mins and turn, spray, keep checking, turning and spraying until done. Let cool. Put in airtight container. Voila!

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