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Two Different Issues With My Two Beagles Noses


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Hi Guys

Just need some help, don't know if some of you might just know what's wrong or how I can help them heal?

(Some backround, we live in Cairns, originally from South Africa as well as our beagles)

Fristly, Ruby. Today she developed the biggest sore on her nose, out of nowhere. I can only get her to the Vet on Saturday morning and was just wondering if any of you might know what is wrong? I have attached a photo so you can see what I mean.


Secondly, and unrelated. My dear old Leo. He start developing these white spots in the last couple of weeks. Any ideas what this can be?


Thanks guys any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by dedrei
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Good luck with the vet tomorrow. My dog had something that looked similar many years ago. Appeared out of nowhere. The vet called it something like, "diggers nose". Something that came out of the earth from digging. I had to use the drops which are used for ear mites, applied to the sore. It cleared up really quickly and never returned. Hope you find an answer tomorrow. :laugh:

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