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Dock Jumping

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Hi All,

I've just been chatting with a friend who shows, does flyball and numerous other dog sports with her Culies in the USA. She was excited to show me the most amazing photos of 'Dock Jumping' which she and her dogs had been competing at today.

Now having a dog that loves to retrieve (he's a Golden Retriever) and loves the water, and is quite limber from agility. I thought this might be another fantastic thing to get involved in ... except I can't find anything about it for Australia. :thumbsup:

So I'm wondering if any of the users here now about this sport, or of any movement to start something like this.

All the links I can find are from the USA, but apparently they do "Jetty dogs' in the UK.

I'll post some links below and be interested to hear what you think.




My friends dogs


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There was an article in Dog's Life not so long ago. It explained the sport and gave details to contact the person who wants to start Aussie clubs. But I can't seem to find the magazine, maybe try emailing and asking for the details? :thumbsup:

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There was an article in Dog's Life not so long ago. It explained the sport and gave details to contact the person who wants to start Aussie clubs. But I can't seem to find the magazine, maybe try emailing and asking for the details? :thumbsup:

I think I actually found this article on the net when I was looking. It would be great to get this kind of thing going here!

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Saw the article in dogs life and was fascinated, I'd be pretty keen to help try and set it up here, even if just for fun! One of my girls just loves doing belly wackers in the pool and will do it repeatedly for hours! Anyone else in Melbourne interested?

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Guest Piximatosis

I think it looks like loads of fun and both of my big girls would absolutely love it. I also saw the article in Dog's Life but I had heard of it before then too.

I would certainly be interested if anyone was considering setting up a club in Sydney :thumbsup:

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Oh man, Ed and Molly would LOVE that!

Alanglen, we'd be up for it for sure

Please excuse my girly throw and my OH being a dork!

And Ed when he was only 4 or 5 months old, he still loves it as much if nt more!

(have posted these vids before, but they show my belly wackers in action! lol)

Edited by shoemonster
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This is how its done.


You need a body of water with a pier on it, Altona Beach has one of these. I would be interested Josh is a natural. You also need to measure out how far each dog jumps.

In regard to this, my friend in the US said that the measuring is done with a camera taking 60 shutters per second. I was imaginging someone leaping in the water to hold the dog still while someone else swam out with a measuring tape (a bit like long jump in the water!!) The measurement is taken from the point where the tail joins the dogs body, and is I think taken back to the dock.

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A friend of mine in the US, won the first ever dock jumping competition. Have the video as well.

Anyway, I own a 13 year old labrador, who is very arthritic. I do feel one of the reasons for such, as due to us owning an inground at one time. I hang my head in shame with the amount of fun silly retrieves I sent her for.

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